C# Класс ZipRecruiter.Resource.APIResource

Base class for API resources. Not to be instantiated on its own.
Наследование: ICloneable
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
batchID String
endpoint String
handle JobAlertsAPI
jobSearchID String
operatingMode APIResourceMode
subscriberID String

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
APIResource ( JobAlertsAPI handle ) : System
AddParameter ( String key, String value ) : APIResource

Adds a single key/value pair to the parameter dictionary.

AddParameters ( String>.Dictionary parameters ) : APIResource

Adds to the parameters dictionary.

Call ( ) : dynamic

Performs the API call which has been constructed.

ClearParameters ( ) : APIResource

Clears the Parameters dictionary.

Clone ( ) : Object

Deep copy this instance.

Deactivate ( String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic

Attempts to deactivate a record using the given parameters. Parameters are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given.

Query ( String>.Dictionary parameters, String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic

Attempts to search for records matching the given parameters. Parameters are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given. This methods has a "parameters" dictionary argument and the results will be augmented by its contents.

Query ( String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic

Attempts to search for records matching the given parameters. Parameters are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given. This methods lacks a "parameters" dictionary argument and as a result will grab all records for the specified endpoint.

RemoveParameter ( String key ) : APIResource

Removes the a single parameter from the parameter dictionary.

Retrieve ( String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic

Attempts to retrieve a record using the given parameters using a GET. Arguments are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given.

Submit ( String>.Dictionary parameters, String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic

Attempts to retrieve a record using the given parameters using a POST. Arguments except the "parameters" Dictionary are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
BuildRequestUrl ( ) : String

Builds the request URL.

DetermineSerializationType ( ) : Type

Uses the class's instance variables to determine the propper Type to be given to the XMLDeseralizer when invoked by the Call method.

Описание методов

APIResource() публичный Метод

public APIResource ( JobAlertsAPI handle ) : System
handle JobAlertsAPI
Результат System

AddParameter() публичный Метод

Adds a single key/value pair to the parameter dictionary.
public AddParameter ( String key, String value ) : APIResource
key String Parameter Key.
value String Parameter Value.
Результат APIResource

AddParameters() публичный Метод

Adds to the parameters dictionary.
public AddParameters ( String>.Dictionary parameters ) : APIResource
parameters String>.Dictionary Request parameters.
Результат APIResource

BuildRequestUrl() защищенный Метод

Builds the request URL.
protected BuildRequestUrl ( ) : String
Результат String

Call() публичный Метод

Performs the API call which has been constructed.
public Call ( ) : dynamic
Результат dynamic

ClearParameters() публичный Метод

Clears the Parameters dictionary.
public ClearParameters ( ) : APIResource
Результат APIResource

Clone() публичный Метод

Deep copy this instance.
public Clone ( ) : Object
Результат Object

Deactivate() публичный Метод

Attempts to deactivate a record using the given parameters. Parameters are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given.
public Deactivate ( String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic
subscriberID String Subscriber I.
jobSearchID String Job search I.
batchID String Batch I.
Результат dynamic

DetermineSerializationType() защищенный Метод

Uses the class's instance variables to determine the propper Type to be given to the XMLDeseralizer when invoked by the Call method.
protected DetermineSerializationType ( ) : Type
Результат System.Type

Query() публичный Метод

Attempts to search for records matching the given parameters. Parameters are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given. This methods has a "parameters" dictionary argument and the results will be augmented by its contents.
public Query ( String>.Dictionary parameters, String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic
parameters String>.Dictionary Parameters.
subscriberID String Subscriber I.
jobSearchID String Job search I.
batchID String Batch I.
Результат dynamic

Query() публичный Метод

Attempts to search for records matching the given parameters. Parameters are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given. This methods lacks a "parameters" dictionary argument and as a result will grab all records for the specified endpoint.
public Query ( String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic
subscriberID String Subscriber I.
jobSearchID String Job search I.
batchID String Batch I.
Результат dynamic

RemoveParameter() публичный Метод

Removes the a single parameter from the parameter dictionary.
public RemoveParameter ( String key ) : APIResource
key String Key.
Результат APIResource

Retrieve() публичный Метод

Attempts to retrieve a record using the given parameters using a GET. Arguments are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given.
public Retrieve ( String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic
subscriberID String Subscriber ID.
jobSearchID String Job Search ID.
batchID String Batch ID.
Результат dynamic

Submit() публичный Метод

Attempts to retrieve a record using the given parameters using a POST. Arguments except the "parameters" Dictionary are optional and context sensitive. An exception will be thrown if an invalid parameter is given.
public Submit ( String>.Dictionary parameters, String subscriberID = "", String jobSearchID = "", String batchID = "" ) : dynamic
parameters String>.Dictionary Parameters.
subscriberID String Subscriber I.
jobSearchID String Job search I.
batchID String Batch I.
Результат dynamic

Описание свойств

batchID защищенное свойство

protected String batchID
Результат String

endpoint защищенное свойство

protected String endpoint
Результат String

handle защищенное свойство

protected JobAlertsAPI handle
Результат JobAlertsAPI

jobSearchID защищенное свойство

protected String jobSearchID
Результат String

operatingMode защищенное свойство

protected APIResourceMode operatingMode
Результат APIResourceMode

subscriberID защищенное свойство

protected String subscriberID
Результат String