C# (CSharp) ZipRecruiter Пространство имен

Пространства имен



Имя Описание
ExtraneousAPIArgumentsException Extraneous API arguments exception. Thrown when an argument is given to an Action erroneously
InvalidEndpointException Invalid endpoint exception. Thrown when an unrecognized API endpoint is specified to the JobAlertsAPI class
JobAlertsAPI API Object used by Resource classes which API Call specific data and preferences. Includes a simple interface to instantiate Resource objects, useful for creating chained calls.
MissingAPIArgumentsException Missing API arguments exception. Thrown when a Action's required argument is missing.
MissingResourceActionException Missing resource action exception. Thrown when APIResource.Call() is invoked without an Action method being invoked first.
MissingZipRecruiterAPIKeyException Missing ZipRecruiter API key exception. Thrown by a JobAlertAPI object constructor when there is no GlobalAPIKey set and no API key was given to the instance being created.