C# Класс Universe.Modules.Appearance.AvatarFactoryModule.AvatarAppearanceModule

Наследование: IAvatarAppearanceModule
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
m_sp IScenePresence

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
_updateMonitor IAgentUpdateMonitor
m_appearance Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AvatarAppearance

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AvatarAppearanceModule ( IScenePresence sp ) : System
Close ( ) : void
SendAppearanceToAgent ( IScenePresence avatar ) : void

Send appearance data to an agent.

SendAppearanceToAllOtherAgents ( ) : void

Send this agent's appearance to all other root and child agents in the scene This agent must be root.

SendAvatarDataToAgent ( IScenePresence avatar, bool sendAppearance ) : void

Send avatar data to an agent.

SendAvatarDataToAllAgents ( bool sendAppearance ) : void

Send this agent's avatar data to all other root and child agents in the scene This agent must be root. This avatar will receive its own update.

SendOtherAgentsAppearanceToMe ( ) : void

Send appearance from all other root agents to this agent. this agent can be either root or child

SendOtherAgentsAvatarDataToMe ( ) : void

Send avatar data for all other root agents to this agent, this agent can be either a child or root

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CheckToMakeSureWearablesHaveBeenSent ( object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void

This makes sure that after the agent has entered the sim that they have their clothes and that they all exist

EventManager_OnMakeRootAgent ( IScenePresence presence ) : void

Описание методов

AvatarAppearanceModule() публичный Метод

public AvatarAppearanceModule ( IScenePresence sp ) : System
sp IScenePresence
Результат System

Close() публичный Метод

public Close ( ) : void
Результат void

SendAppearanceToAgent() публичный Метод

Send appearance data to an agent.
public SendAppearanceToAgent ( IScenePresence avatar ) : void
avatar IScenePresence
Результат void

SendAppearanceToAllOtherAgents() публичный Метод

Send this agent's appearance to all other root and child agents in the scene This agent must be root.
public SendAppearanceToAllOtherAgents ( ) : void
Результат void

SendAvatarDataToAgent() публичный Метод

Send avatar data to an agent.
public SendAvatarDataToAgent ( IScenePresence avatar, bool sendAppearance ) : void
avatar IScenePresence
sendAppearance bool
Результат void

SendAvatarDataToAllAgents() публичный Метод

Send this agent's avatar data to all other root and child agents in the scene This agent must be root. This avatar will receive its own update.
public SendAvatarDataToAllAgents ( bool sendAppearance ) : void
sendAppearance bool
Результат void

SendOtherAgentsAppearanceToMe() публичный Метод

Send appearance from all other root agents to this agent. this agent can be either root or child
public SendOtherAgentsAppearanceToMe ( ) : void
Результат void

SendOtherAgentsAvatarDataToMe() публичный Метод

Send avatar data for all other root agents to this agent, this agent can be either a child or root
public SendOtherAgentsAvatarDataToMe ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

_updateMonitor защищенное свойство

protected IAgentUpdateMonitor _updateMonitor
Результат IAgentUpdateMonitor

m_appearance защищенное свойство

protected AvatarAppearance,Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces m_appearance
Результат Universe.Framework.ClientInterfaces.AvatarAppearance

m_sp публичное свойство

public IScenePresence m_sp
Результат IScenePresence