C# Класс TressFXLib.Formats.TFXBFormat

TressFX Binary (TFXB) file format implementation. This format is available for import and export. This file format implementation does __NOT__ contain import logic for amd's TFXB file. Unity TressFX uses a slightly modified version, because the data amd's exporter exported couldnt be read into c# easily.
Наследование: IHairFormat
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Export ( BinaryWriter writer, string path, Hair hair ) : void
Import ( BinaryReader reader, string path, Hair hair, HairImportSettings importSettings ) : HairMesh[]

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
ReadFloatArray ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : float[]

Reads an float array from BinaryReader reader.

ReadIntegerArray ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : int[]

Reads an integer array from BinaryReader reader.

ReadQuaternion ( BinaryReader reader ) : Quaternion

Reads a 4-component vector (Quaternion) from the given BinaryReader reader.

ReadQuaternionArray ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : Quaternion[]

Reads a 4-component vector (Quaternion) array from the given BinaryReader reader.

ReadVector3 ( BinaryReader reader ) : System.Vector3

Reads a 3-component vector (Vector3) from the given BinaryReader reader.

ReadVector3Array ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : System.Vector3[]

Reads a 3-component vector (Vector3) array from the given BinaryReader reader.

ReadVector4 ( BinaryReader reader ) : System.Vector4

Reads a 4-component vector (Vector4) from the given BinaryReader reader.

ReadVector4Array ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : System.Vector4[]

Reads a 4-component vector (Vector4) array from the given BinaryReader reader.

WriteQuaternion ( BinaryWriter writer, Quaternion quaternion ) : void
WriteVector3 ( BinaryWriter writer, System.Vector3 vector ) : void
WriteVector4 ( BinaryWriter writer, System.Vector4 vector ) : void

Описание методов

Export() публичный Метод

public Export ( BinaryWriter writer, string path, Hair hair ) : void
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter
path string
hair Hair
Результат void

Import() публичный Метод

public Import ( BinaryReader reader, string path, Hair hair, HairImportSettings importSettings ) : HairMesh[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader
path string
hair Hair
importSettings HairImportSettings
Результат HairMesh[]

ReadFloatArray() защищенный статический Метод

Reads an float array from BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadFloatArray ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : float[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
count int The count of elements to load.
Результат float[]

ReadIntegerArray() защищенный статический Метод

Reads an integer array from BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadIntegerArray ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : int[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
count int The count of elements to load.
Результат int[]

ReadQuaternion() защищенный статический Метод

Reads a 4-component vector (Quaternion) from the given BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadQuaternion ( BinaryReader reader ) : Quaternion
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
Результат Quaternion

ReadQuaternionArray() защищенный статический Метод

Reads a 4-component vector (Quaternion) array from the given BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadQuaternionArray ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : Quaternion[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
count int The count of elements to load.
Результат Quaternion[]

ReadVector3() защищенный статический Метод

Reads a 3-component vector (Vector3) from the given BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadVector3 ( BinaryReader reader ) : System.Vector3
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
Результат System.Vector3

ReadVector3Array() защищенный статический Метод

Reads a 3-component vector (Vector3) array from the given BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadVector3Array ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : System.Vector3[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
count int The count of elements to load.
Результат System.Vector3[]

ReadVector4() защищенный статический Метод

Reads a 4-component vector (Vector4) from the given BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadVector4 ( BinaryReader reader ) : System.Vector4
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
Результат System.Vector4

ReadVector4Array() защищенный статический Метод

Reads a 4-component vector (Vector4) array from the given BinaryReader reader.
protected static ReadVector4Array ( BinaryReader reader, int count ) : System.Vector4[]
reader System.IO.BinaryReader Reader.
count int The count of elements to load.
Результат System.Vector4[]

WriteQuaternion() защищенный статический Метод

protected static WriteQuaternion ( BinaryWriter writer, Quaternion quaternion ) : void
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter
quaternion Quaternion
Результат void

WriteVector3() защищенный статический Метод

protected static WriteVector3 ( BinaryWriter writer, System.Vector3 vector ) : void
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter
vector System.Vector3
Результат void

WriteVector4() защищенный статический Метод

protected static WriteVector4 ( BinaryWriter writer, System.Vector4 vector ) : void
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter
vector System.Vector4
Результат void