C# Класс Spine.Unity.Modules.AttachmentTools.SkinExtensions

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CopyTo ( this source, Skin destination, bool overwrite, bool cloneAttachments, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked = true ) : void
GetClone ( this original ) : Skin

Gets a shallow copy of the skin. The cloned skin's attachments are shared with the original skin.

GetClonedSkin ( this skeleton, string newSkinName, bool includeDefaultSkin = false, bool cloneAttachments = false, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked = true ) : Skin
UnshareSkin ( this skeleton, bool includeDefaultSkin, bool unshareAttachments, AnimationState state = null ) : Skin

Convenience method for duplicating a skeleton's current active skin so changes to it will not affect other skeleton instances. .

Описание методов

CopyTo() публичный статический Метод

public static CopyTo ( this source, Skin destination, bool overwrite, bool cloneAttachments, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked = true ) : void
source this
destination Skin
overwrite bool
cloneAttachments bool
cloneMeshesAsLinked bool
Результат void

GetClone() публичный статический Метод

Gets a shallow copy of the skin. The cloned skin's attachments are shared with the original skin.
public static GetClone ( this original ) : Skin
original this
Результат Skin

GetClonedSkin() публичный статический Метод

public static GetClonedSkin ( this skeleton, string newSkinName, bool includeDefaultSkin = false, bool cloneAttachments = false, bool cloneMeshesAsLinked = true ) : Skin
skeleton this
newSkinName string
includeDefaultSkin bool
cloneAttachments bool
cloneMeshesAsLinked bool
Результат Skin

UnshareSkin() публичный статический Метод

Convenience method for duplicating a skeleton's current active skin so changes to it will not affect other skeleton instances. .
public static UnshareSkin ( this skeleton, bool includeDefaultSkin, bool unshareAttachments, AnimationState state = null ) : Skin
skeleton this
includeDefaultSkin bool
unshareAttachments bool
state UnityEngine.AnimationState
Результат Skin