C# Класс Nez.TextureAtlases.TextureAtlas

runtime component of the TextureAtlasGenerator. Stores the main Texture2D and all relevant metadata
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
regionNames string[]
subtextures Nez.Textures.Subtexture[]

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
TextureAtlas ( string regionNames, Subtexture subtextures ) : Nez.Textures
TextureAtlas ( string regionNames, Subtexture subtextures, Point>.Dictionary spriteAnimationDetails, int animationFPS = 15 ) : Nez.Textures
containsSubtexture ( string name ) : bool

checks whether the subtexture is contained in this atlas.

getSpriteAnimation ( string animationName ) : SpriteAnimation

returns a SpriteAnimation given an animationName where the animationName is the folder that contains the images

getSubtexture ( string name ) : Subtexture

gets the Subtexture for the passed in image name

this ( string name ) : Subtexture

Описание методов

TextureAtlas() публичный Метод

public TextureAtlas ( string regionNames, Subtexture subtextures ) : Nez.Textures
regionNames string
subtextures Nez.Textures.Subtexture
Результат Nez.Textures

TextureAtlas() публичный Метод

public TextureAtlas ( string regionNames, Subtexture subtextures, Point>.Dictionary spriteAnimationDetails, int animationFPS = 15 ) : Nez.Textures
regionNames string
subtextures Nez.Textures.Subtexture
spriteAnimationDetails Point>.Dictionary
animationFPS int
Результат Nez.Textures

containsSubtexture() публичный Метод

checks whether the subtexture is contained in this atlas.
public containsSubtexture ( string name ) : bool
name string the image name
Результат bool

getSpriteAnimation() публичный Метод

returns a SpriteAnimation given an animationName where the animationName is the folder that contains the images
public getSpriteAnimation ( string animationName ) : SpriteAnimation
animationName string Animation name.
Результат Nez.Sprites.SpriteAnimation

getSubtexture() публичный Метод

gets the Subtexture for the passed in image name
public getSubtexture ( string name ) : Subtexture
name string Name.
Результат Nez.Textures.Subtexture

this() публичный Метод

public this ( string name ) : Subtexture
name string
Результат Nez.Textures.Subtexture

Описание свойств

regionNames публичное свойство

image names for the subtextures. maps directly to the subtextures array
public string[] regionNames
Результат string[]

subtextures публичное свойство

array of all subtextures from the atlas
public Subtexture[],Nez.Textures subtextures
Результат Nez.Textures.Subtexture[]