C# Класс Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.WebApi.Api.FilesController

class to manage the file related API methods.
Наследование: ApiController
Показать файл Открыть проект

Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
fileService IFileService
fileServiceFactory IFileServiceFactory
qcService IQCService
repositoryService IRepositoryService
user User
userService IUserService

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
FilesController ( IFileServiceFactory fileServiceFactory, IRepositoryService repositoryService, IQCService qcService, IUserService userService, IRepositoryAdapterFactory repositoryAdapterFactory ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.DomainModel

Initializes a new instance of the FilesController class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Delete ( int fileId, int userId ) : HttpResponseMessage
DownloadFileFromRepository ( int fileId ) : HttpResponseMessage
DownloadFileFromRepository ( int fileId, User user ) : HttpResponseMessage

Downloads the file from Repository.

DownloadFileFromRepository ( string nameIdentifier, int fileId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetCitation ( int fileId, int repositoryId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetColumnLevelMetadata ( int fileId ) : Task
GetColumnLevelMetadataFromFile ( int fileId ) : Task
GetErrors ( int fileId ) : Task
GetFileLevelMetadata ( int fileId, int repositoryId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetFiles ( int id ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetFiles ( string fileName, int userId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetLookUpData ( string type ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetPostFileDetails ( int fileId, int repositoryId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetRepsitoryCredentials ( ) : RepositoryCredentials

Retreives the Repository Credentials from Header

Publish ( ) : HttpResponseMessage
RemoveErrors ( RemoveErrorsViewModel removeErrorsViewModel ) : Task
SaveCitation ( int fileId, Citation citation ) : HttpResponseMessage
SaveColumnLevelMetadata ( int fileId, IEnumerable metadataList ) : HttpResponseMessage
SaveFileLevelMetadata ( int fileId, int repositoryId, IEnumerable saveFileLevelMetadataList ) : HttpResponseMessage

Описание методов

FilesController() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the FilesController class.
public FilesController ( IFileServiceFactory fileServiceFactory, IRepositoryService repositoryService, IQCService qcService, IUserService userService, IRepositoryAdapterFactory repositoryAdapterFactory ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.DomainModel
fileServiceFactory IFileServiceFactory IFileServiceFactory
repositoryService IRepositoryService IRepositoryService
qcService IQCService IQCService
userService IUserService IUserService
repositoryAdapterFactory IRepositoryAdapterFactory IRepositoryAdapterFactory
Результат Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.DomainModel

Описание свойств

fileService защищенное свойство

interface IFileService
protected IFileService fileService
Результат IFileService

fileServiceFactory защищенное свойство

interface IFileServiceFactory
protected IFileServiceFactory fileServiceFactory
Результат IFileServiceFactory

qcService защищенное свойство

interface IQCService
protected IQCService qcService
Результат IQCService

repositoryService защищенное свойство

Interface IRepositoryService variable.
protected IRepositoryService repositoryService
Результат IRepositoryService

user защищенное свойство

Holds the Reference to user object
protected User user
Результат User

userService защищенное свойство

Holds the reference to IUserService
protected IUserService userService
Результат IUserService