C# Class Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.WebApi.Api.FilesController

class to manage the file related API methods.
Inheritance: ApiController
ファイルを表示 Open project: CDLUC3/dataup2

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
fileService IFileService
fileServiceFactory IFileServiceFactory
qcService IQCService
repositoryService IRepositoryService
user User
userService IUserService

Public Methods

Method Description
FilesController ( IFileServiceFactory fileServiceFactory, IRepositoryService repositoryService, IQCService qcService, IUserService userService, IRepositoryAdapterFactory repositoryAdapterFactory ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.DomainModel

Initializes a new instance of the FilesController class.

Private Methods

Method Description
Delete ( int fileId, int userId ) : HttpResponseMessage
DownloadFileFromRepository ( int fileId ) : HttpResponseMessage
DownloadFileFromRepository ( int fileId, User user ) : HttpResponseMessage

Downloads the file from Repository.

DownloadFileFromRepository ( string nameIdentifier, int fileId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetCitation ( int fileId, int repositoryId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetColumnLevelMetadata ( int fileId ) : Task
GetColumnLevelMetadataFromFile ( int fileId ) : Task
GetErrors ( int fileId ) : Task
GetFileLevelMetadata ( int fileId, int repositoryId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetFiles ( int id ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetFiles ( string fileName, int userId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetLookUpData ( string type ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetPostFileDetails ( int fileId, int repositoryId ) : HttpResponseMessage
GetRepsitoryCredentials ( ) : RepositoryCredentials

Retreives the Repository Credentials from Header

Publish ( ) : HttpResponseMessage
RemoveErrors ( RemoveErrorsViewModel removeErrorsViewModel ) : Task
SaveCitation ( int fileId, Citation citation ) : HttpResponseMessage
SaveColumnLevelMetadata ( int fileId, IEnumerable metadataList ) : HttpResponseMessage
SaveFileLevelMetadata ( int fileId, int repositoryId, IEnumerable saveFileLevelMetadataList ) : HttpResponseMessage

Method Details

FilesController() public method

Initializes a new instance of the FilesController class.
public FilesController ( IFileServiceFactory fileServiceFactory, IRepositoryService repositoryService, IQCService qcService, IUserService userService, IRepositoryAdapterFactory repositoryAdapterFactory ) : Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.DomainModel
fileServiceFactory IFileServiceFactory IFileServiceFactory
repositoryService IRepositoryService IRepositoryService
qcService IQCService IQCService
userService IUserService IUserService
repositoryAdapterFactory IRepositoryAdapterFactory IRepositoryAdapterFactory
return Microsoft.Research.DataOnboarding.DomainModel

Property Details

fileService protected_oe property

interface IFileService
protected IFileService fileService
return IFileService

fileServiceFactory protected_oe property

interface IFileServiceFactory
protected IFileServiceFactory fileServiceFactory
return IFileServiceFactory

qcService protected_oe property

interface IQCService
protected IQCService qcService
return IQCService

repositoryService protected_oe property

Interface IRepositoryService variable.
protected IRepositoryService repositoryService
return IRepositoryService

user protected_oe property

Holds the Reference to user object
protected User user
return User

userService protected_oe property

Holds the reference to IUserService
protected IUserService userService
return IUserService