C# Класс IrrlichtNETCP.VideoDriver

Наследование: NativeElement
Показать файл Открыть проект Примеры использования класса

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterDevice System.IntPtr
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterDeviceId uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterMaxActiveLights int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterMaxTextureHeight int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterMaxTextureWidth int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterPixelShaderVersion int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterRevision uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterSubSysId uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterVendorId uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterVertexShaderVersion int
CD3D9Driver_GetD3DDevice9 System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_AddTexture System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_AddTextureFromImage System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_BeginScene bool
VideoDriver_ClearZBuffer void
VideoDriver_CreateImageFromFile System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_CreateRenderTargetTexture System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_CreateScreenshot System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_DeleteAllDynamicLights void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImage void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageA void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageB void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageC void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageD void
VideoDriver_Draw2DLine void
VideoDriver_Draw2DPolygon void
VideoDriver_Draw2DRectangle void
VideoDriver_Draw3DBox void
VideoDriver_Draw3DLine void
VideoDriver_Draw3DTriangle void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleFan void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleFanA void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleFanT void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleList void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleListA void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleListT void
VideoDriver_DrawMeshBuffer void
VideoDriver_DrawVertexPrimitiveList void
VideoDriver_EnableClipPlane int
VideoDriver_EndScene void
VideoDriver_EndSceneA void
VideoDriver_GetDriverType DriverType
VideoDriver_GetFPS int
VideoDriver_GetGPUProgrammingServices System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_GetPrimitiveCountDrawn int
VideoDriver_GetScreenSize void
VideoDriver_GetTexture System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_GetTextureByIndex System.IntPtr
VideoDriver_GetTextureCount int
VideoDriver_GetTextureCreationFlag bool
VideoDriver_GetTransform void
VideoDriver_GetViewPort void
VideoDriver_MakeColorKeyTexture void
VideoDriver_MakeColorKeyTextureA void
VideoDriver_MakeNormalMapTexture void
VideoDriver_QueryFeature bool
VideoDriver_RemoveAllTextures void
VideoDriver_RemoveTexture void
VideoDriver_RenameTexture void
VideoDriver_SetAmbientLight void
VideoDriver_SetClipPlane bool
VideoDriver_SetFog void
VideoDriver_SetMaterial void
VideoDriver_SetRenderTarget void
VideoDriver_SetTextureFlag void
VideoDriver_SetTransform void
VideoDriver_SetViewPort void
VideoDriver_WriteImageToFile void

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddTexture ( IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D size, string name, ColorFormat fmt ) : Texture

Creates an empty texture

AddTexture ( string name, Image img ) : Texture

Creates an texture from the Image

BeginScene ( bool back, bool z, Color col ) : bool

Begin the scene

ClearZBuffer ( ) : void
CreateImageFromFile ( string filename ) : Image
CreateRenderTargetTexture ( IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D size ) : Texture
CreateScreenShot ( ) : Image
DeleteAllDynamicLights ( ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, Color color, bool useAlphaChannel ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect clipRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, bool useAlphaChannel ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect destRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect destRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect clipRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
Draw2DLine ( IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D start, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D end, Color color ) : void
Draw2DPolygon ( IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D center, float radius, Color color, int vertexCount ) : void
Draw2DRectangle ( IrrlichtNETCP.Rect rectangle, Color color ) : void
Draw2DRectangle ( IrrlichtNETCP.Rect rectangle, Color leftUp, Color rightUp, Color leftDown, Color rightDown ) : void
Draw3DBox ( Box3D box, Color color ) : void
Draw3DLine ( IrrlichtNETCP.Line3D line, Color color ) : void
Draw3DLine ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D start, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D end, Color color ) : void
Draw3DTriangle ( Triangle3D tri, Color col ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3D vertices ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3D vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexFan, int triangleCount ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexFan ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DT2 vertices ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexFan, int triangleCount ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexFan ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DTangents vertices ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexFan, int triangleCount ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexFan ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3D vertices ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3D vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexList ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexList ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexList ) : void
DrawMeshBuffer ( MeshBuffer buffer ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexList, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexList, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexList, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
EnableClipPlane ( int index, bool enable ) : void
EndScene ( ) : void

Ends the scene

EndScene ( IntPtr windowHandle, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect ) : void

Ends the scene

GetTexture ( string name ) : Texture

Retrieves the texture

GetTextureByIndex ( int index ) : Texture
GetTextureCreationFlag ( TextureCreationFlag flag ) : bool
GetTransform ( TransformationState state ) : Matrix4
MakeColorKeyTexture ( Texture texture, Color color ) : void

Creates an 1bit alpha channel of the texture based on a color

MakeColorKeyTexture ( Texture texture, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D colorKeyPixelPos ) : void

Creates an 1bit alpha channel of the texture based on a pixel position color

MakeNormalMapTexture ( Texture texture, float amplitude ) : void

Creates a normal map from heightmap texture

QueryFeature ( VideoDriverFeature feat ) : bool
RemoveAllTextures ( ) : void
RemoveTexture ( Texture text ) : void
RenameTexture ( Texture text, string name ) : void
SetClipPlane ( int index, IrrlichtNETCP.Plane3Df plane, bool enable ) : bool
SetFog ( Color color, bool linearFog, float start, float end, float density, bool pixelFog, bool rangeFog ) : void
SetMaterial ( Material mat ) : void
SetRenderTarget ( Texture target, bool clearBackBuffer, bool clearZBuffer, Color color ) : void
SetTextureFlag ( TextureCreationFlag flag, bool enabled ) : void
SetTransform ( TransformationState state, Matrix4 mat ) : void
ToString ( ) : string
VideoDriver ( IntPtr raw ) : System
WriteImageIntoFile ( Image img, string filename ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterDevice ( IntPtr videodriver ) : IntPtr
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterDeviceId ( IntPtr videodriver ) : uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterMaxActiveLights ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterMaxTextureHeight ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterMaxTextureWidth ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterPixelShaderVersion ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterRevision ( IntPtr videodriver ) : uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterSubSysId ( IntPtr videodriver ) : uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterVendorId ( IntPtr videodriver ) : uint
CD3D9Driver_GetAdapterVertexShaderVersion ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
CD3D9Driver_GetD3DDevice9 ( IntPtr videodriver ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_AddTexture ( IntPtr raw, int size, string name, ColorFormat fmt ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_AddTextureFromImage ( IntPtr raw, string name, IntPtr image ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_BeginScene ( IntPtr raw, bool back, bool z, int color ) : bool
VideoDriver_ClearZBuffer ( IntPtr videodriver ) : void
VideoDriver_CreateImageFromFile ( IntPtr videodriver, string filename ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_CreateRenderTargetTexture ( IntPtr videodriver, int size ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_CreateScreenshot ( IntPtr videodriver ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_DeleteAllDynamicLights ( IntPtr videodriver ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImage ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int destPos, int sourceRect, int clipRect, int color, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageA ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int destPos ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageB ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int destPos, int sourceRect, int color, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageC ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int destPos, int sourceRect, int clipRect, int color1, int color2, int color3, int color4, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DImageD ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int destPos, int sourceRect, int color1, int color2, int color3, int color4, bool useAlphaChannelOfTexture ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DLine ( IntPtr videodriver, int start, int end, int color ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DPolygon ( IntPtr videodriver, int center, float radius, int color, int vertexCount ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw2DRectangle ( IntPtr videodriver, int pos, int colorLeftUp, int colorRightUp, int colorLeftDown, int colorRightDown ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw3DBox ( IntPtr videodriver, float box, int color ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw3DLine ( IntPtr videodriver, float start, float end, int color ) : void
VideoDriver_Draw3DTriangle ( IntPtr videodriver, float tri, int color ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( IntPtr driver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleFanA ( IntPtr driver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleFanT ( IntPtr driver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleList ( IntPtr driver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleListA ( IntPtr driver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawIndexedTriangleListT ( IntPtr driver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawMeshBuffer ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr meshbuffer ) : void
VideoDriver_DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, VertexType vType, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
VideoDriver_EnableClipPlane ( IntPtr videodriver, int index, bool enable ) : int
VideoDriver_EndScene ( IntPtr raw ) : void
VideoDriver_EndSceneA ( IntPtr raw, int window, int sourceRect ) : void
VideoDriver_GetDriverType ( IntPtr videodriver ) : DriverType
VideoDriver_GetFPS ( IntPtr raw ) : int
VideoDriver_GetGPUProgrammingServices ( IntPtr videodriver ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_GetPrimitiveCountDrawn ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
VideoDriver_GetScreenSize ( IntPtr videodriver, [ size ) : void
VideoDriver_GetTexture ( IntPtr raw, string name ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_GetTextureByIndex ( IntPtr videodriver, int index ) : IntPtr
VideoDriver_GetTextureCount ( IntPtr videodriver ) : int
VideoDriver_GetTextureCreationFlag ( IntPtr videodriver, TextureCreationFlag flag ) : bool
VideoDriver_GetTransform ( IntPtr videodriver, TransformationState state, [ mat ) : void
VideoDriver_GetViewPort ( IntPtr videodriver, [ viewport ) : void
VideoDriver_MakeColorKeyTexture ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int colorKeyPixelPos ) : void
VideoDriver_MakeColorKeyTextureA ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, int color ) : void
VideoDriver_MakeNormalMapTexture ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, float amplitude ) : void
VideoDriver_QueryFeature ( IntPtr videodriver, VideoDriverFeature feat ) : bool
VideoDriver_RemoveAllTextures ( IntPtr videodriver ) : void
VideoDriver_RemoveTexture ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture ) : void
VideoDriver_RenameTexture ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, string name ) : void
VideoDriver_SetAmbientLight ( IntPtr videodriver, float ambient ) : void
VideoDriver_SetClipPlane ( IntPtr videodriver, int index, float plane, bool enable ) : bool
VideoDriver_SetFog ( IntPtr videodriver, int color, bool linear, float start, float end, float density, bool pixel, bool range ) : void
VideoDriver_SetMaterial ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr material ) : void
VideoDriver_SetRenderTarget ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr texture, bool cBB, bool cZB, int color ) : void
VideoDriver_SetTextureFlag ( IntPtr videodriver, TextureCreationFlag flag, bool enabled ) : void
VideoDriver_SetTransform ( IntPtr videodriver, TransformationState state, float mat ) : void
VideoDriver_SetViewPort ( IntPtr videodriver, int viewport ) : void
VideoDriver_WriteImageToFile ( IntPtr videodriver, IntPtr image, string filename ) : void

Описание методов

AddTexture() публичный Метод

Creates an empty texture
public AddTexture ( IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D size, string name, ColorFormat fmt ) : Texture
size IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D Size of the teture
name string Name of the texture on the texture pool
fmt ColorFormat Pixel format
Результат Texture

AddTexture() публичный Метод

Creates an texture from the Image
public AddTexture ( string name, Image img ) : Texture
name string Name of the texture on the texture pool
img Image The image from what the texture to be created
Результат Texture

BeginScene() публичный Метод

Begin the scene
public BeginScene ( bool back, bool z, Color col ) : bool
back bool Should the back buffer be cleared ?
z bool Should the Z buffer be cleared ? (useless on 2D-only applications)
col Color Color of the backbuffer
Результат bool

ClearZBuffer() публичный Метод

public ClearZBuffer ( ) : void
Результат void

CreateImageFromFile() публичный Метод

public CreateImageFromFile ( string filename ) : Image
filename string
Результат Image

CreateRenderTargetTexture() публичный Метод

public CreateRenderTargetTexture ( IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D size ) : Texture
size IrrlichtNETCP.Dimension2D
Результат Texture

CreateScreenShot() публичный Метод

public CreateScreenShot ( ) : Image
Результат Image

DeleteAllDynamicLights() публичный Метод

public DeleteAllDynamicLights ( ) : void
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos ) : void
image Texture
destPos IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, Color color, bool useAlphaChannel ) : void
image Texture
destPos IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
color Color
useAlphaChannel bool
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
image Texture
destPos IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
sourceRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
color Color
useAlpha bool
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect clipRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
image Texture
destPos IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
sourceRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
clipRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
color Color
useAlpha bool
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D destPos, bool useAlphaChannel ) : void
image Texture
destPos IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
useAlphaChannel bool
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect destRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
image Texture
destRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
sourceRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
color Color
useAlpha bool
Результат void

Draw2DImage() публичный Метод

public Draw2DImage ( Texture image, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect destRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect clipRect, Color color, bool useAlpha ) : void
image Texture
destRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
sourceRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
clipRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
color Color
useAlpha bool
Результат void

Draw2DLine() публичный Метод

public Draw2DLine ( IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D start, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D end, Color color ) : void
start IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
end IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
color Color
Результат void

Draw2DPolygon() публичный Метод

public Draw2DPolygon ( IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D center, float radius, Color color, int vertexCount ) : void
center IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D
radius float
color Color
vertexCount int
Результат void

Draw2DRectangle() публичный Метод

public Draw2DRectangle ( IrrlichtNETCP.Rect rectangle, Color color ) : void
rectangle IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
color Color
Результат void

Draw2DRectangle() публичный Метод

public Draw2DRectangle ( IrrlichtNETCP.Rect rectangle, Color leftUp, Color rightUp, Color leftDown, Color rightDown ) : void
rectangle IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
leftUp Color
rightUp Color
leftDown Color
rightDown Color
Результат void

Draw3DBox() публичный Метод

public Draw3DBox ( Box3D box, Color color ) : void
box Box3D
color Color
Результат void

Draw3DLine() публичный Метод

public Draw3DLine ( IrrlichtNETCP.Line3D line, Color color ) : void
line IrrlichtNETCP.Line3D
color Color
Результат void

Draw3DLine() публичный Метод

public Draw3DLine ( IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D start, IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D end, Color color ) : void
start IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
end IrrlichtNETCP.Vector3D
color Color
Результат void

Draw3DTriangle() публичный Метод

public Draw3DTriangle ( Triangle3D tri, Color col ) : void
tri Triangle3D
col Color
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3D vertices ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3D vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexFan, int triangleCount ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
vertexCount int
indexFan ushort
triangleCount int
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexFan ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
indexFan ushort
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DT2 vertices ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexFan, int triangleCount ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
vertexCount int
indexFan ushort
triangleCount int
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexFan ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
indexFan ushort
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DTangents vertices ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexFan, int triangleCount ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
vertexCount int
indexFan ushort
triangleCount int
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleFan() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleFan ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexFan ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
indexFan ushort
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3D vertices ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3D vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
vertexCount int
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexList ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
indexList ushort
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
vertexCount int
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexList ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
indexList ushort
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
vertexCount int
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
Результат void

DrawIndexedTriangleList() публичный Метод

public DrawIndexedTriangleList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexList ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
indexList ushort
Результат void

DrawMeshBuffer() публичный Метод

public DrawMeshBuffer ( MeshBuffer buffer ) : void
buffer MeshBuffer
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
vertexCount int
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexList, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
indexList ushort
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3D vertices, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3D
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
vertexCount int
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexList, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
indexList ushort
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DT2 vertices, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DT2
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, int vertexCount, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
vertexCount int
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexList, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
indexList ushort
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

DrawVertexPrimitiveList() публичный Метод

public DrawVertexPrimitiveList ( Vertex3DTangents vertices, ushort indexList, int triangleCount, PrimitiveType pType ) : void
vertices Vertex3DTangents
indexList ushort
triangleCount int
pType PrimitiveType
Результат void

EnableClipPlane() публичный Метод

public EnableClipPlane ( int index, bool enable ) : void
index int
enable bool
Результат void

EndScene() публичный Метод

Ends the scene
public EndScene ( ) : void
Результат void

EndScene() публичный Метод

Ends the scene
public EndScene ( IntPtr windowHandle, IrrlichtNETCP.Rect sourceRect ) : void
windowHandle System.IntPtr
sourceRect IrrlichtNETCP.Rect
Результат void

GetTexture() публичный Метод

Retrieves the texture
public GetTexture ( string name ) : Texture
name string Path to the texture
Результат Texture

GetTextureByIndex() публичный Метод

public GetTextureByIndex ( int index ) : Texture
index int
Результат Texture

GetTextureCreationFlag() публичный Метод

public GetTextureCreationFlag ( TextureCreationFlag flag ) : bool
flag TextureCreationFlag
Результат bool

GetTransform() публичный Метод

public GetTransform ( TransformationState state ) : Matrix4
state TransformationState
Результат Matrix4

MakeColorKeyTexture() публичный Метод

Creates an 1bit alpha channel of the texture based on a color
public MakeColorKeyTexture ( Texture texture, Color color ) : void
texture Texture Input texture that will be modified
color Color Color
Результат void

MakeColorKeyTexture() публичный Метод

Creates an 1bit alpha channel of the texture based on a pixel position color
public MakeColorKeyTexture ( Texture texture, IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D colorKeyPixelPos ) : void
texture Texture Input texture that will be modified
colorKeyPixelPos IrrlichtNETCP.Position2D Position of the pixel with the color key
Результат void

MakeNormalMapTexture() публичный Метод

Creates a normal map from heightmap texture
public MakeNormalMapTexture ( Texture texture, float amplitude ) : void
texture Texture Input texture that will be modified
amplitude float Constant value which by the height information is multiplied
Результат void

QueryFeature() публичный Метод

public QueryFeature ( VideoDriverFeature feat ) : bool
feat VideoDriverFeature
Результат bool

RemoveAllTextures() публичный Метод

public RemoveAllTextures ( ) : void
Результат void

RemoveTexture() публичный Метод

public RemoveTexture ( Texture text ) : void
text Texture
Результат void

RenameTexture() публичный Метод

public RenameTexture ( Texture text, string name ) : void
text Texture
name string
Результат void

SetClipPlane() публичный Метод

public SetClipPlane ( int index, IrrlichtNETCP.Plane3Df plane, bool enable ) : bool
index int
plane IrrlichtNETCP.Plane3Df
enable bool
Результат bool

SetFog() публичный Метод

public SetFog ( Color color, bool linearFog, float start, float end, float density, bool pixelFog, bool rangeFog ) : void
color Color
linearFog bool
start float
end float
density float
pixelFog bool
rangeFog bool
Результат void

SetMaterial() публичный Метод

public SetMaterial ( Material mat ) : void
mat Material
Результат void

SetRenderTarget() публичный Метод

public SetRenderTarget ( Texture target, bool clearBackBuffer, bool clearZBuffer, Color color ) : void
target Texture
clearBackBuffer bool
clearZBuffer bool
color Color
Результат void

SetTextureFlag() публичный Метод

public SetTextureFlag ( TextureCreationFlag flag, bool enabled ) : void
flag TextureCreationFlag
enabled bool
Результат void

SetTransform() публичный Метод

public SetTransform ( TransformationState state, Matrix4 mat ) : void
state TransformationState
mat Matrix4
Результат void

ToString() публичный Метод

public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string

VideoDriver() публичный Метод

public VideoDriver ( IntPtr raw ) : System
raw System.IntPtr
Результат System

WriteImageIntoFile() публичный Метод

public WriteImageIntoFile ( Image img, string filename ) : void
img Image
filename string
Результат void