C# Класс ExtraFishInformation.ModEntry

The mod entry point.
Наследование: Mod, IAssetEditor
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CanEdit ( IAssetInfo asset ) : bool

Get whether this instance can edit the given asset.

Edit ( IAssetData asset ) : void

Edit a matched asset.

Entry ( IModHelper helper ) : void

The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ConvertTo12HourTime ( string time24Hours ) : string

A helper method for ParseTimeString() to parse time strings from 24 hour format to 12 hour format.

OnGameLaunched ( object sender, GameLaunchedEventArgs e ) : void

"Raised after the game is launched, right before the first update tick. This happens once per game session (unrelated to loading saves). All mods are loaded and initialised at this point, so this is a good time to set up mod integrations." [see more at: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Modder_Guide/APIs/Events]

ParseLocation ( int fishId, IDictionary seasonalLocationInfo ) : string

A helper method to parse location and season information from the edited version of Locations.xnb

ParseLocationName ( string locationName ) : string

A helper method to parse location names from namesLikeThis to Names Like This.

ParseTimeString ( string timeToParse, bool timeIn24Hours ) : string

A helper method for ParseTimes() to parse time strings from from Fish.xnb.

ParseTimes ( string times, bool timeIn24Hours ) : string

A helper method to parse active times from from Fish.xnb.

ParseWeather ( string weather ) : string

A helper method to parse weather information from Fish.xnb.

Описание методов

CanEdit() публичный Метод

Get whether this instance can edit the given asset.
public CanEdit ( IAssetInfo asset ) : bool
asset IAssetInfo Basic metadata about the asset being loaded.
Результат bool

Edit() публичный Метод

Edit a matched asset.
public Edit ( IAssetData asset ) : void
asset IAssetData A helper which encapsulates metadata about an asset and enables changes to it.
Результат void

Entry() публичный Метод

The mod entry point, called after the mod is first loaded.
public Entry ( IModHelper helper ) : void
helper IModHelper Provides simplified APIs for writing mods.
Результат void