C# Класс BitSharper.Discovery.SeedPeers

SeedPeers stores a pre-determined list of Bitcoin node addresses. These nodes are selected based on being active on the network for a long period of time. The intention is to be a last resort way of finding a connection to the network, in case IRC and DNS fail. The list comes from the Bitcoin C++ source code.
Наследование: IPeerDiscovery
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetPeer ( ) : EndPoint

Acts as an iterator, returning the address of each node in the list sequentially. Once all the list has been iterated, null will be returned for each subsequent query.

GetPeers ( ) : IEnumerable

Returns an array containing all the Bitcoin nodes within the list.

SeedPeers ( NetworkParameters @params ) : System.Collections.Generic

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AllPeers ( ) : IEnumerable
ConvertAddress ( uint seed ) : IPAddress
NextPeer ( ) : EndPoint

Описание методов

GetPeer() публичный Метод

Acts as an iterator, returning the address of each node in the list sequentially. Once all the list has been iterated, null will be returned for each subsequent query.
public GetPeer ( ) : EndPoint
Результат System.Net.EndPoint

GetPeers() публичный Метод

Returns an array containing all the Bitcoin nodes within the list.
public GetPeers ( ) : IEnumerable
Результат IEnumerable

SeedPeers() публичный Метод

public SeedPeers ( NetworkParameters @params ) : System.Collections.Generic
@params NetworkParameters
Результат System.Collections.Generic