BitSharper.Common |
BitSharper.Demo |
BitSharper.Discovery |
BitSharper.IO |
BitSharper.Store |
BitSharper.Test |
BitSharper.Threading |
Имя | Описание |
AbstractPeerEventListener | Convenience abstract class for implementing a PeerEventListener. |
Address | A BitCoin address is fundamentally derived from an elliptic curve public key and a set of network parameters. |
AddressFormatException | |
AddressMessage | |
Base58 | A custom form of base58 is used to encode BitCoin addresses. Note that this is not the same base58 as used by Flickr, which you may see reference to around the internet. |
BitcoinSerializer | Methods to serialize and de-serialize messages to the BitCoin network format as defined in the BitCoin protocol specification at |
Block | |
BlockChain | A BlockChain holds a series of Block objects, links them together, and knows how to verify that the chain follows the rules of the NetworkParameters for this chain. |
DownloadListener | Listen to chain download events and print useful informational messages. |
DumpedPrivateKey | Parses and generates private keys in the form used by the BitCoin "dumpprivkey" command. This is the private key bytes with a header byte and 4 checksum bytes at the end. |
EcKey | |
GetBlocksMessage | |
GetDataMessage | |
InventoryItem | |
InventoryMessage | |
ListMessage | Abstract super class of classes with list based payload, i.e. InventoryMessage and GetDataMessage. |
Message | |
NetworkConnection | A NetworkConnection handles talking to a remote BitCoin peer at a low level. It understands how to read and write messages off the network, but doesn't asynchronously communicate with the peer or handle the higher level details of the protocol. After constructing a NetworkConnection, use a Peer to hand off communication to a background thread. |
NetworkParameters | |
PeerAddress | |
PeerConnectedEventArgs | Called when a peer is connected. |
PeerDisconnectedEventArgs | Called when a peer is disconnected. |
PeerException | Thrown when a problem occurs in communicating with a peer, and we should retry. |
PeerGroup | Maintain a number of connections to peers. |
PeerGroup.PeerGroupThreadFactory | |
Ping | |
ProtocolException | |
Script | BitCoin transactions don't specify what they do directly. Instead a small binary stack language is used to define programs that when evaluated return whether the transaction "accepts" or rejects the other transactions connected to it. |
ScriptException | |
Sha256Hash | |
StoredBlock | |
Transaction | |
TransactionInput | |
TransactionOutPoint | |
UnknownMessage | |
Utils | A collection of various utility methods that are helpful for working with the BitCoin protocol. To enable debug logging from the library, run with -Dbitcoinj.logging=true on your command line. |
VarInt | |
VerificationException | |
VersionAck | The verack message, sent by a client accepting the version message they received from their peer. |
VersionMessage | |
VersionedChecksummedBytes | In BitCoin the following format is often used to represent some type of key:
[one version byte] [data bytes] [4 checksum bytes] and the result is then Base58 encoded. This format is used for addresses, and private keys exported using the "dumpprivkey" command. |
Wallet | |
WalletCoinsReceivedEventArgs | This is called on a Peer thread when a block is received that sends some coins to you. Note that this will also be called when downloading the block chain as the wallet balance catches up so if you don't want that register the event listener after the chain is downloaded. It's safe to use methods of wallet during the execution of this callback. |
WalletDeadTransactionEventArgs | This is called on a Peer thread when a transaction becomes dead. A dead transaction is one that has been overridden by a double spend from the network and so will never confirm no matter how long you wait. |