C# Класс BF2Statistics.Web.ASP.GetUnlocksInfo

Наследование: ASPController
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetUnlocksInfo ( HttpClient Client ) : System

This request provides details of the players unlocked weapons

HandleRequest ( ) : void

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CheckUnlock ( int Want, int Need, bool>.Dictionary Unlocks ) : void

This method adds special forces unlocks to the output, only if the base class unlock is unlocked. We dont add the unlock if the base class unlock is NOT unlocked, because if we do, then the user will be able to choose the unlock, without earning the base unlock first

GetBonusUnlocks ( ) : int

Gets the total unlocks a player can have based off of rank, and awards

Описание методов

GetUnlocksInfo() публичный Метод

This request provides details of the players unlocked weapons
public GetUnlocksInfo ( HttpClient Client ) : System
Client HttpClient The HttpClient who made the request
Результат System

HandleRequest() публичный Метод

public HandleRequest ( ) : void
Результат void