C# Класс Axiom.Animating.Animation

An animation sequence.
This class defines the interface for a sequence of animation, whether that be animation of a mesh, a path along a spline, or possibly more than one type of animation in one. An animation is made up of many 'tracks', which are the more specific types of animation.

You should not create these animations directly. They will be created via a parent object which owns the animation, e.g. Skeleton, SceneManager, etc.

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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
defaultInterpolationMode InterpolationMode
defaultRotationInterpolationMode RotationInterpolationMode
interpolationMode InterpolationMode
length float
name string
nodeTrackList NodeAnimationTrack>.Dictionary
numericTrackList NumericAnimationTrack>.Dictionary
rotationInterpolationMode RotationInterpolationMode
vertexTrackList VertexAnimationTrack>.Dictionary

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Apply ( Entity entity, float time, float weight, bool software, bool hardware ) : void
Apply ( Skeleton skeleton, float time, float weight, bool accumulate, float scale ) : void
Apply ( float time, float weight, bool accumulate, float scale ) : void

Applies an animation given a specific time point and weight.

Where you have associated animation tracks with Node objects, you can eaily apply an animation to those nodes by calling this method.

CreateNodeTrack ( ushort handle ) : NodeAnimationTrack

Creates an NodeAnimationTrack.

CreateNodeTrack ( ushort handle, Node targetNode ) : NodeAnimationTrack

Creates a new NodeAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Node.

CreateNumericTrack ( ushort handle ) : NumericAnimationTrack

Creates an NumericAnimationTrack.

CreateNumericTrack ( ushort handle, Axiom.Animating.AnimableValue animable ) : NumericAnimationTrack

Creates a new NumericAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Numeric.

CreateVertexTrack ( ushort handle, VertexAnimationType animType ) : VertexAnimationTrack

Creates an VertexAnimationTrack.

CreateVertexTrack ( ushort handle, VertexData targetVertexData, VertexAnimationType type ) : VertexAnimationTrack

Creates a new VertexAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Vertex.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
Animation ( ) : System

Static constructor.

Animation ( string name, float length ) : System

Internal constructor, to prevent from using new outside of the engine.

Animations should be created within objects that can own them (skeletons, scene managers, etc).

TrackAdded ( object source, System e ) : void
TracksCleared ( object source, System e ) : void

Описание методов

Apply() публичный метод

public Apply ( Entity entity, float time, float weight, bool software, bool hardware ) : void
entity Entity
time float
weight float
software bool
hardware bool
Результат void

Apply() публичный метод

public Apply ( Skeleton skeleton, float time, float weight, bool accumulate, float scale ) : void
skeleton Skeleton
time float
weight float
accumulate bool
scale float
Результат void

Apply() публичный метод

Applies an animation given a specific time point and weight.
Where you have associated animation tracks with Node objects, you can eaily apply an animation to those nodes by calling this method.
public Apply ( float time, float weight, bool accumulate, float scale ) : void
time float The time position in the animation to apply.
weight float The influence to give to this track, 1.0 for full influence, less to blend with /// other animations.
accumulate bool
scale float
Результат void

CreateNodeTrack() публичный метод

Creates an NodeAnimationTrack.
public CreateNodeTrack ( ushort handle ) : NodeAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
Результат NodeAnimationTrack

CreateNodeTrack() публичный метод

Creates a new NodeAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Node.
public CreateNodeTrack ( ushort handle, Node targetNode ) : NodeAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
targetNode Axiom.Core.Node Node object which will be affected by this track.
Результат NodeAnimationTrack

CreateNumericTrack() публичный метод

Creates an NumericAnimationTrack.
public CreateNumericTrack ( ushort handle ) : NumericAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
Результат NumericAnimationTrack

CreateNumericTrack() публичный метод

Creates a new NumericAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Numeric.
public CreateNumericTrack ( ushort handle, Axiom.Animating.AnimableValue animable ) : NumericAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
animable Axiom.Animating.AnimableValue AnimableValue which will be affected by this track.
Результат NumericAnimationTrack

CreateVertexTrack() публичный метод

Creates an VertexAnimationTrack.
public CreateVertexTrack ( ushort handle, VertexAnimationType animType ) : VertexAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
animType VertexAnimationType
Результат VertexAnimationTrack

CreateVertexTrack() публичный метод

Creates a new VertexAnimationTrack automatically associated with a Vertex.
public CreateVertexTrack ( ushort handle, VertexData targetVertexData, VertexAnimationType type ) : VertexAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
targetVertexData Axiom.Graphics.VertexData Vertex object which will be affected by this track.
type VertexAnimationType
Результат VertexAnimationTrack

Описание свойств

defaultInterpolationMode статическое защищенное свойство

Default interpolation mode of any animations.
static protected InterpolationMode defaultInterpolationMode
Результат InterpolationMode

defaultRotationInterpolationMode статическое защищенное свойство

default rotation interpolation mode of this animation.
static protected RotationInterpolationMode defaultRotationInterpolationMode
Результат RotationInterpolationMode

interpolationMode защищенное свойство

Interpolation mode of this animation.
protected InterpolationMode interpolationMode
Результат InterpolationMode

length защищенное свойство

The total length of this animation (sum of the tracks).
protected float length
Результат float

name защищенное свойство

Name of this animation.
protected string name
Результат string

nodeTrackList защищенное свойство

Collection of NodeAnimationTracks.
protected Dictionary nodeTrackList
Результат NodeAnimationTrack>.Dictionary

numericTrackList защищенное свойство

Collection of NumericAnimationTracks.
protected Dictionary numericTrackList
Результат NumericAnimationTrack>.Dictionary

rotationInterpolationMode защищенное свойство

Rotation interpolation mode of this animation.
protected RotationInterpolationMode rotationInterpolationMode
Результат RotationInterpolationMode

vertexTrackList защищенное свойство

Collection of VertexAnimationTracks.
protected Dictionary vertexTrackList
Результат VertexAnimationTrack>.Dictionary