C# Класс Aura.Channel.Skills.Life.Blacksmithing

Наследование: Aura.Channel.Skills.Base.CreationSkill, IPreparable, ICompletable
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Complete ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet ) : void

Completes skill, increasting item's progress or finishing it.

Prepare ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet ) : bool

Prepares skill.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CalculateQuality ( List hits, List dots ) : int

Calculates quality, based on the stitches made by the player.

Calculates the distances between the dots and the hits performed by the player and calculates the quality based on the total of all distances. Unofficial, but seems to work rather well. Except for 100 quality, which is practically impossible with this atm. Slightly different from Tailoring, due to the addition of timing and the ability to *not* hit. Official formula unknown, based on guesses and some minor testing. Won't match official, but it should feel good enough.

CheckTools ( Creature creature ) : bool

Checks hands for hammer and manual, returns false if equip isn't present, and sends a notice about it.

OnProgress ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Item item, ProgressResult result ) : void

Handles skill training.

ReadHits ( Creature creature, Packet packet, List &hits ) : bool

Reads stitches from packet, starting with the bool, saying whether there are any. Returns false if bool is false.

Описание методов

Complete() публичный Метод

Completes skill, increasting item's progress or finishing it.
public Complete ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skill Skill
packet Packet
Результат void

Prepare() публичный Метод

Prepares skill.
public Prepare ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Packet packet ) : bool
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skill Skill
packet Packet
Результат bool