C# Класс Aura.Channel.Skills.Combat.Counterattack

Наследование: Aura.Channel.Skills.Base.StandardPrepareHandler
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Cancel ( Creature creature, Skill skill ) : void

Cancels special effects.

Complete ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Aura.Shared.Network.Packet packet ) : void

Resets the skill's cooldown in old combat.

Counter doesn't use the new cooldown system, but Vars, similar to Final Hit. Var10 is the cooldown for normal hits, Var11 is for knuckles. That's why we have to reset it here.

Handle ( Creature target, Creature attacker ) : bool

Returns true if target has counter active and used it.

Handle ( ICollection targets, Creature attacker ) : bool

Returns true if a target had counter active and used it.

Prepare ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Aura.Shared.Network.Packet packet ) : bool

Handles skill preparation.

Ready ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Aura.Shared.Network.Packet packet ) : bool

Handles redying the skill, called when finishing casting it.

Training ( AttackerAction aAction, TargetAction tAction ) : void

Trains the skill for attacker and target, based on what happened.

Use ( Creature attacker, Creature target ) : void

Handles usage of the skill.

Описание методов

Cancel() публичный Метод

Cancels special effects.
public Cancel ( Creature creature, Skill skill ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skill Skill
Результат void

Complete() публичный Метод

Resets the skill's cooldown in old combat.
Counter doesn't use the new cooldown system, but Vars, similar to Final Hit. Var10 is the cooldown for normal hits, Var11 is for knuckles. That's why we have to reset it here.
public Complete ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Aura.Shared.Network.Packet packet ) : void
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skill Skill
packet Aura.Shared.Network.Packet
Результат void

Handle() публичный статический Метод

Returns true if target has counter active and used it.
public static Handle ( Creature target, Creature attacker ) : bool
target Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
attacker Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
Результат bool

Handle() публичный статический Метод

Returns true if a target had counter active and used it.
public static Handle ( ICollection targets, Creature attacker ) : bool
targets ICollection
attacker Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
Результат bool

Prepare() публичный Метод

Handles skill preparation.
public Prepare ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Aura.Shared.Network.Packet packet ) : bool
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skill Skill
packet Aura.Shared.Network.Packet
Результат bool

Ready() публичный Метод

Handles redying the skill, called when finishing casting it.
public Ready ( Creature creature, Skill skill, Aura.Shared.Network.Packet packet ) : bool
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
skill Skill
packet Aura.Shared.Network.Packet
Результат bool

Training() публичный Метод

Trains the skill for attacker and target, based on what happened.
public Training ( AttackerAction aAction, TargetAction tAction ) : void
aAction AttackerAction
tAction TargetAction
Результат void

Use() публичный Метод

Handles usage of the skill.
public Use ( Creature attacker, Creature target ) : void
attacker Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
target Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
Результат void