C# (CSharp) Realms.Exceptions Namespace


Name Description
RealmClassLacksPrimaryKeyException An exception thrown when trying to lookup an object by primary key, when the object doesn't have PrimaryKeyAttribute specified.
RealmClosedException An exception thrown when trying to invoke members of a closed Realm.
RealmDecryptionFailedException An exception, raised when file decryption is unsuccessful, most likely due to invalid RealmConfigurationBase.EncryptionKey.
RealmDuplicatePrimaryKeyValueException An exception thrown when an object with the same primary key has already been added.
RealmException Base for Realm specific exceptions.
RealmFileAccessErrorException Base for catching exceptions with Realm files, typically problems from which an app would recover.
RealmFileExistsException Exception thrown when a file with the same name already exists.
RealmFileNotFoundException Exception thrown when trying to open a file that does not exist.
RealmInvalidDatabaseException Exception thrown when a file exists but doesn't appear to be a Realm database, may indicate corruption.
RealmInvalidObjectException An exception, thrown when the object is no longer managed by the Realm.
RealmInvalidTransactionException An exception, thrown when trying to write data to the Realm outside a Transaction or when trying to create a transaction on a Realm that is opened as read-only.
RealmMigrationNeededException Exception thrown when attempting to open a file whose Realms.Schema.RealmSchema differs from your current class declarations.
RealmMismatchedConfigException An exception thrown when you try to open a Realm file with a different RealmConfigurationBase.
RealmObjectManagedByAnotherRealmException Exception thrown when you're trying to use Realm.Add but the object is already managed by a different Realm.
RealmOutOfMemoryException Exception when Realm's run out of memory, shut down your application rather than trying to continue.
RealmPermissionDeniedException Exception when you can't open an existing realm file, or create a new one.