이름 |
설명 |
ManagedExceptionDuringMigrationException |
RealmClassLacksPrimaryKeyException |
An exception thrown when trying to lookup an object by primary key, when the object doesn't have PrimaryKeyAttribute specified. |
RealmClosedException |
An exception thrown when trying to invoke members of a closed Realm. |
RealmDecryptionFailedException |
An exception, raised when file decryption is unsuccessful, most likely due to invalid RealmConfigurationBase.EncryptionKey. |
RealmDuplicatePrimaryKeyValueException |
An exception thrown when an object with the same primary key has already been added. |
RealmException |
Base for Realm specific exceptions. |
RealmFileAccessErrorException |
Base for catching exceptions with Realm files, typically problems from which an app would recover. |
RealmFileExistsException |
Exception thrown when a file with the same name already exists. |
RealmFileNotFoundException |
Exception thrown when trying to open a file that does not exist. |
RealmInvalidDatabaseException |
Exception thrown when a file exists but doesn't appear to be a Realm database, may indicate corruption. |
RealmInvalidObjectException |
An exception, thrown when the object is no longer managed by the Realm. |
RealmInvalidTransactionException |
An exception, thrown when trying to write data to the Realm outside a Transaction or when trying to create a transaction on a Realm that is opened as read-only. |
RealmMigrationNeededException |
Exception thrown when attempting to open a file whose Realms.Schema.RealmSchema differs from your current class declarations. |
RealmMismatchedConfigException |
An exception thrown when you try to open a Realm file with a different RealmConfigurationBase. |
RealmObjectManagedByAnotherRealmException |
Exception thrown when you're trying to use Realm.Add but the object is already managed by a different Realm. |
RealmOutOfMemoryException |
Exception when Realm's run out of memory, shut down your application rather than trying to continue. |
RealmPermissionDeniedException |
Exception when you can't open an existing realm file, or create a new one. |