C# Class UnityEngine.UI.Extensions.ImageExtended

Inheritance: MaskableGraphic, ISerializationCallbackReceiver, ILayoutElement, ICanvasRaycastFilter
Exibir arquivo Open project: renketsu0/oculus_data_vis Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal ( ) : void
CalculateLayoutInputVertical ( ) : void
IsRaycastLocationValid ( System.Vector2 screenPoint, Camera eventCamera ) : bool
OnAfterDeserialize ( ) : void
OnBeforeSerialize ( ) : void
SetNativeSize ( ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
ImageExtended ( ) : System
OnPopulateMesh ( Mesh toFill ) : void

Update the UI renderer mesh.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddQuad ( List vbo, UIVertex v, System.Vector2 posMin, System.Vector2 posMax, System.Vector2 uvMin, System.Vector2 uvMax ) : void
GenerateFilledSprite ( List vbo, bool preserveAspect ) : void
GenerateSimpleSprite ( List vbo, bool preserveAspect ) : void

Generate vertices for a simple Image.

GenerateSlicedSprite ( List vbo ) : void
GenerateTiledSprite ( List vbo ) : void
GetAdjustedBorders ( System.Vector4 border, Rect rect ) : System.Vector4
GetDrawingDimensions ( bool shouldPreserveAspect ) : System.Vector4
GetRotatedUV ( System.Vector4 sX, int iX, System.Vector4 sY, int iY ) : System.Vector2
MapCoordinate ( System.Vector2 local, Rect rect ) : System.Vector2
RadialCut ( System.Vector2 xy, System.Vector2 uv, float fill, bool invert, int corner ) : bool

Adjust the specified quad, making it be radially filled instead.

RadialCut ( System.Vector2 xy, float cos, float sin, bool invert, int corner ) : void

Adjust the specified quad, making it be radially filled instead.

RotatePairUV ( System.Vector2 uv ) : void

Method Details

CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() public method

public CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal ( ) : void
return void

CalculateLayoutInputVertical() public method

public CalculateLayoutInputVertical ( ) : void
return void

ImageExtended() protected method

protected ImageExtended ( ) : System
return System

IsRaycastLocationValid() public method

public IsRaycastLocationValid ( System.Vector2 screenPoint, Camera eventCamera ) : bool
screenPoint System.Vector2
eventCamera Camera
return bool

OnAfterDeserialize() public method

public OnAfterDeserialize ( ) : void
return void

OnBeforeSerialize() public method

public OnBeforeSerialize ( ) : void
return void

OnPopulateMesh() protected method

Update the UI renderer mesh.
protected OnPopulateMesh ( Mesh toFill ) : void
toFill Mesh
return void

SetNativeSize() public method

public SetNativeSize ( ) : void
return void