C# Class BEPUphysics.Constraints.TwoEntity.JointLimits.DistanceLimit

A modified distance constraint allowing a range of lengths between two anchor points.
Inheritance: JointLimit, I1DImpulseConstraintWithError, I1DJacobianConstraint
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
maximumLength float
minimumLength float

Public Methods

Method Description
DistanceLimit ( ) : System

Constructs a distance limit joint. To finish the initialization, specify the connections (ConnectionA and ConnectionB) as well as the WorldAnchorA and WorldAnchorB (or their entity-local versions) and the MinimumLength and MaximumLength. This constructor sets the constraint's IsActive property to false by default.

DistanceLimit ( Entity connectionA, Entity connectionB, Vector3 anchorA, Vector3 anchorB, float minimumLength, float maximumLength ) : System

Constructs a distance limit joint.

ExclusiveUpdate ( ) : void

Performs any pre-solve iteration work that needs exclusive access to the members of the solver updateable. Usually, this is used for applying warmstarting impulses.

GetAngularJacobianA ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void

Gets the angular jacobian entry for the first connected entity.

GetAngularJacobianB ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void

Gets the angular jacobian entry for the second connected entity.

GetLinearJacobianA ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void

Gets the linear jacobian entry for the first connected entity.

GetLinearJacobianB ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void

Gets the linear jacobian entry for the second connected entity.

GetMassMatrix ( float &outputMassMatrix ) : void

Gets the mass matrix of the constraint.

SolveIteration ( ) : float

Calculates and applies corrective impulses. Called automatically by space.

Update ( float dt ) : void

Calculates necessary information for velocity solving.

Method Details

DistanceLimit() public method

Constructs a distance limit joint. To finish the initialization, specify the connections (ConnectionA and ConnectionB) as well as the WorldAnchorA and WorldAnchorB (or their entity-local versions) and the MinimumLength and MaximumLength. This constructor sets the constraint's IsActive property to false by default.
public DistanceLimit ( ) : System
return System

DistanceLimit() public method

Constructs a distance limit joint.
public DistanceLimit ( Entity connectionA, Entity connectionB, Vector3 anchorA, Vector3 anchorB, float minimumLength, float maximumLength ) : System
connectionA Entity First body connected to the distance limit.
connectionB Entity Second body connected to the distance limit.
anchorA Vector3 Connection to the spring from the first connected body in world space.
anchorB Vector3 Connection to the spring from the second connected body in world space.
minimumLength float Minimum distance maintained between the anchors.
maximumLength float Maximum distance allowed between the anchors.
return System

ExclusiveUpdate() public method

Performs any pre-solve iteration work that needs exclusive access to the members of the solver updateable. Usually, this is used for applying warmstarting impulses.
public ExclusiveUpdate ( ) : void
return void

GetAngularJacobianA() public method

Gets the angular jacobian entry for the first connected entity.
public GetAngularJacobianA ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void
jacobian Vector3 Angular jacobian entry for the first connected entity.
return void

GetAngularJacobianB() public method

Gets the angular jacobian entry for the second connected entity.
public GetAngularJacobianB ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void
jacobian Vector3 Angular jacobian entry for the second connected entity.
return void

GetLinearJacobianA() public method

Gets the linear jacobian entry for the first connected entity.
public GetLinearJacobianA ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void
jacobian Vector3 Linear jacobian entry for the first connected entity.
return void

GetLinearJacobianB() public method

Gets the linear jacobian entry for the second connected entity.
public GetLinearJacobianB ( Vector3 &jacobian ) : void
jacobian Vector3 Linear jacobian entry for the second connected entity.
return void

GetMassMatrix() public method

Gets the mass matrix of the constraint.
public GetMassMatrix ( float &outputMassMatrix ) : void
outputMassMatrix float Constraint's mass matrix.
return void

SolveIteration() public method

Calculates and applies corrective impulses. Called automatically by space.
public SolveIteration ( ) : float
return float

Update() public method

Calculates necessary information for velocity solving.
public Update ( float dt ) : void
dt float Time in seconds since the last update.
return void

Property Details

maximumLength protected_oe property

Maximum distance allowed between the anchors.
protected float maximumLength
return float

minimumLength protected_oe property

Minimum distance maintained between the anchors.
protected float minimumLength
return float