C# Class Fouls, goalBall

Foul System This system keeps track of all of the fouls that can happen in a game and give the ball to the player that should get it. Current fouls are: Time foul (have possession of the ball for over 10 seconds) Out of bounts (throw the ball out of bounds) Dead Ball Ball stays in neutral area for longer than 3 seconds.
Inheritance: NetworkBehaviour
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Public Properties

Property Type Description
BR BallReset,
BT BreakTimer,
BlueNeutralArea string
BlueTeamArea string
DeadBallTime int
GT GameTimer,
RedNeutralArea string
RedTeamArea string
TimerFoulTime int
ball GameObject
ballLocation ListObjectLocation,
ballPossession Possession,

Public Methods

Method Description
LineOut ( ) : void

Calls the LineOut foul and all associated actions.

Start ( ) : void

Initializes all of the objects and variables needed for this script.

ThrowDeadBallFoul ( ) : void

Throw DeadBall Foul and all associated actions.

ThrowTimeFoul ( bool inRedZone ) : void

Throw the time Foul and all associated actions.

Update ( ) : void

Main function that checks whether a foul has been made in real time. Keeps a timer running for checking fouls.

Private Methods

Method Description
foul ( bool committedByRed, bool resetToClosest ) : void

Activates the move of the foul and makes the Referee call play at the end.ss

Method Details

LineOut() public method

Calls the LineOut foul and all associated actions.
public LineOut ( ) : void
return void

Start() public method

Initializes all of the objects and variables needed for this script.
public Start ( ) : void
return void

ThrowDeadBallFoul() public method

Throw DeadBall Foul and all associated actions.
public ThrowDeadBallFoul ( ) : void
return void

ThrowTimeFoul() public method

Throw the time Foul and all associated actions.
public ThrowTimeFoul ( bool inRedZone ) : void
inRedZone bool Whether the foul took place in the red zone or not
return void

Update() public method

Main function that checks whether a foul has been made in real time. Keeps a timer running for checking fouls.
public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

BR public_oe property

public BallReset, BR
return BallReset,

BT public_oe property

public BreakTimer, BT
return BreakTimer,

BlueNeutralArea public_oe property

public string BlueNeutralArea
return string

BlueTeamArea public_oe property

public string BlueTeamArea
return string

DeadBallTime public_oe property

public int DeadBallTime
return int

GT public_oe property

public GameTimer, GT
return GameTimer,

RedNeutralArea public_oe property

public string RedNeutralArea
return string

RedTeamArea public_oe property

public string RedTeamArea
return string

TimerFoulTime public_oe property

public int TimerFoulTime
return int

ball public_oe property

public GameObject ball
return GameObject

ballLocation public_oe property

public ListObjectLocation, ballLocation
return ListObjectLocation,

ballPossession public_oe property

public Possession, ballPossession
return Possession,