C# (CSharp) SwfDotNet.IO.ByteCode.Actions Namespace


Name Description
ActionAdd bytecode instruction object
ActionAdd2 bytecode instruction object
ActionAnd bytecode instruction object
ActionAsciiToChar bytecode instruction object
ActionBitAnd bytecode instruction object
ActionBitLShift bytecode instruction object
ActionBitOr bytecode instruction object
ActionBitRShift bytecode instruction object
ActionBitURShift bytecode instruction object
ActionBitXor bytecode instruction object
ActionCall bytecode instruction object
ActionCallFunction bytecode instruction object
ActionCallMethod bytecode instruction object
ActionCastOp bytecode instruction object
ActionCatch bytecode instruction object
ActionCharToAscii bytecode instruction object
ActionCloneSprite bytecode instruction object
ActionConstantPool bytecode instruction object
ActionContainer pseudo/helper action for aggregating a whole list of actions into one action.
ActionDecrement bytecode instruction object
ActionDefineFunction bytecode instruction object
ActionDefineFunction2 bytecode instruction object
ActionDefineFunction2.RegParamPair register/name pair of function parameter
ActionDefineFunction2.VariableFlagSet set of flags for automatically storing variables in registers
ActionDefineLocal bytecode instruction object
ActionDefineLocal2 bytecode instruction object
ActionDelete bytecode instruction object
ActionDelete2 bytecode instruction object
ActionDivide bytecode instruction object
ActionEnd action record end instruction
ActionEndDrag bytecode instruction object
ActionEndTryBlock pseudo instruction
ActionEndWait bytecode instruction object
ActionEndWith pseudo instruction for end of with-block
ActionEnumerate bytecode instruction object
ActionEnumerate2 bytecode instruction object
ActionEquals bytecode instruction object
ActionEquals2 bytecode instruction object
ActionExtends bytecode instruction object
ActionFinally pseudo instruction object
ActionGetMember bytecode instruction object
ActionGetProperty bytecode instruction object
ActionGetTime bytecode instruction object
ActionGetUrl bytecode instruction object
ActionGetUrl2 bytecode instruction object
ActionGetVariable bytecode instruction object
ActionGotoFrame bytecode instruction object
ActionGotoFrame2 bytecode instruction object
ActionGotoLabel bytecode instruction object
ActionGreater bytecode instruction object
ActionIf bytecode instruction object
ActionImplements bytecode instruction object
ActionIncrement bytecode instruction object
ActionInitArray bytecode instruction object
ActionInitObject bytecode instruction object
ActionInstanceOf bytecode instruction object
ActionJump bytecode instruction object
ActionLabel bytecode instruction object
ActionLess bytecode instruction object
ActionLess2 bytecode instruction object
ActionMBAsciiToChar bytecode instruction object
ActionMBCharToAscii bytecode instruction object
ActionMBStringExtract bytecode instruction object
ActionMBStringLength bytecode instruction object
ActionModulo bytecode instruction object
ActionMultiply bytecode instruction object
ActionNewMethod bytecode instruction object
ActionNewObject bytecode instruction object
ActionNextFrame bytecode instruction object
ActionNot bytecode instruction object
ActionOr bytecode instruction object
ActionPlay bytecode instruction object
ActionPop bytecode instruction object
ActionPreviousFrame bytecode instruction object
ActionPush bytecode instruction object
ActionPushDuplicate bytecode instruction object
ActionPushList bytecode instruction object
ActionRandomNumber bytecode instruction object
ActionRemoveSprite bytecode instruction object
ActionReturn bytecode instruction object
ActionSetMember bytecode instruction object
ActionSetProperty bytecode instruction object
ActionSetTarget bytecode instruction object
ActionSetTarget2 bytecode instruction object
ActionSetVariable bytecode instruction object
ActionStackSwap bytecode instruction object
ActionStartDrag bytecode instruction object
ActionStop bytecode instruction object
ActionStopSounds bytecode instruction object
ActionStoreRegister bytecode instruction object
ActionStrictEquals bytecode instruction object
ActionStringAdd bytecode instruction object
ActionStringEquals bytecode instruction object
ActionStringExtract bytecode instruction object
ActionStringGreater bytecode instruction object
ActionStringLength bytecode instruction object
ActionStringLess bytecode instruction object
ActionSubtract bytecode instruction object
ActionTargetPath bytecode instruction object
ActionThrow bytecode instruction object
ActionToInteger bytecode instruction object
ActionToNumber bytecode instruction object
ActionToString bytecode instruction object
ActionToggleQuality bytecode instruction object
ActionTrace bytecode instruction object
ActionTry bytecode instruction object try/catch/finally block
ActionTypeOf bytecode instruction object
ActionWaitForFrame bytecode instruction object
ActionWaitForFrame2 bytecode instruction object
ActionWith bytecode instruction object
BaseAction BaseAction is an abstract class that serves as a base for all Action classes resembling swf bytecode instructions
DummyAction 'null' instruction
InvalidPushTypeException invalid push type exception
MultiByteAction base class for multibyte actions (>0x80)
UnknownAction object for storing unknown actions