Name |
Description |
ActionAdd |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionAdd2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionAnd |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionAsciiToChar |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionBitAnd |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionBitLShift |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionBitOr |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionBitRShift |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionBitURShift |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionBitXor |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCall |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCallFunction |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCallMethod |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCastOp |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCatch |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCharToAscii |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionCloneSprite |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionConstantPool |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionContainer |
pseudo/helper action for aggregating a whole list of actions into one action. |
ActionDecrement |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDefineFunction |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDefineFunction2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDefineFunction2.RegParamPair |
register/name pair of function parameter |
ActionDefineFunction2.VariableFlagSet |
set of flags for automatically storing variables in registers |
ActionDefineLocal |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDefineLocal2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDelete |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDelete2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionDivide |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionEnd |
action record end instruction |
ActionEndDrag |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionEndTryBlock |
pseudo instruction |
ActionEndWait |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionEndWith |
pseudo instruction for end of with-block |
ActionEnumerate |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionEnumerate2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionEquals |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionEquals2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionExtends |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionFinally |
pseudo instruction object |
ActionGetMember |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGetProperty |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGetTime |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGetUrl |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGetUrl2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGetVariable |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGotoFrame |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGotoFrame2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGotoLabel |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionGreater |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionIf |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionImplements |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionIncrement |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionInitArray |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionInitObject |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionInstanceOf |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionJump |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionLabel |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionLess |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionLess2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionMBAsciiToChar |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionMBCharToAscii |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionMBStringExtract |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionMBStringLength |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionModulo |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionMultiply |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionNewMethod |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionNewObject |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionNextFrame |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionNot |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionOr |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionPlay |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionPop |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionPreviousFrame |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionPush |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionPushDuplicate |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionPushList |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionRandomNumber |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionRemoveSprite |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionReturn |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionSetMember |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionSetProperty |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionSetTarget |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionSetTarget2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionSetVariable |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStackSwap |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStartDrag |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStop |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStopSounds |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStoreRegister |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStrictEquals |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStringAdd |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStringEquals |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStringExtract |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStringGreater |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStringLength |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionStringLess |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionSubtract |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionTargetPath |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionThrow |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionToInteger |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionToNumber |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionToString |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionToggleQuality |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionTrace |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionTry |
bytecode instruction object try/catch/finally block |
ActionTypeOf |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionWaitForFrame |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionWaitForFrame2 |
bytecode instruction object |
ActionWith |
bytecode instruction object |
BaseAction |
BaseAction is an abstract class that serves as a base for all Action classes resembling swf bytecode instructions |
DummyAction |
'null' instruction |
InvalidPushTypeException |
invalid push type exception |
MultiByteAction |
base class for multibyte actions (>0x80) |
UnknownAction |
object for storing unknown actions |