C# (CSharp) Habanero.Faces.Base Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AutoLoadingRelationshipComboBoxMapper This mapper loads all the Business Objects of type relationshipDef.RelatedObjectClassDef.
BOColTabControlManager This manager groups common logic for IBOColTabControl objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateBOColTabControl in the appropriate control factory. This Manager is an extract of common functionality required for the IBOColTabControl it is used to as part of the pattern to isolate the implementation of the actual BOColTabControl from the code using the BOColTabControl. This allows the developer to swap IBOColTabControls that support this interface without having to redevelop any code. Habanero uses this to isolate the UIframework so that a different framework can be implemented using these interfaces. This allows swapping in custom controls as well total other control libraries without modifying the app. This allows the Architecture to swap between Visual Web Gui and Windows or in fact between any UI framework and any other UI Framework.
BOSelectorAndEditorManager This is a manager class that can be used to combine any IBOColSelectorControl and IBusinessObjectControl. The selector control is essentially a control for selecting a Business Object a list box, combo box. The IBusinessObjectControl is a control that is used for viewing a selected IBusinessObject.
The responsibilities of this class is to link these two controls together so that if a new business object is selected in the IBOColSelectorControl then its values are displayed in the IBusinessObjectControl.
BoolCheckBoxFilter A ICustomFilter for Filtering using a CheckBox
BoolComboBoxFilter FilterControlControl for filtering on a Boolean Property using a ComboBox with True and False instead of a TriState CheckBox. This allows the Developer to set a filter that allows the user to select true, false or nothing. (this is similar to a tristate CheckBox but is usually easier for a user).
BorderLayoutManager Manages the layout of controls in a user interface by having a component assigned a compass position. For instance, having the "east" position assigned will result in the control being placed against the right border.
ButtonGroupControlManager This manager groups common logic for IButtonGroupControl objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateButtonGroupControl in the appropriate control factory.
ButtonSizePolicyUserDefined An implementation of IButtonSizePolicy that does no resizing, thus allowing you to specify your own button sizes for buttons on an IButtonGroupControl.
CheckBoxMapper Wraps a CheckBox in order to display and capture a boolean property of the business object
CollapsiblePanelGroupManager The Manager for the ICollapsiblePanel that handles the Common Logic for either VWG or Win.
CollapsiblePanelManager The Manager for the ICollapsiblePanel that handles the Common Logic for either VWG or Win.
CollectionComboBoxMapper This is used to map a collection of Business objects to a particular property of the Business object. This is typically used when you are wanting to load a collection of business objects via some custom collection loading code that does not allow you to use either the LookupComboBoxMapper or the RelationshipComboBoxMapper.
ColumnLayoutManager This allows you to add controls to a layout where the controls will be added to the columns from left to right until the number of columns is exceeded. When this happens the control will be added on the next row. The row height is determined by the heighest control in the row. All controls added will have an identical width (width = managed control width - borders size)
ComboBoxManager This manager groups common logic for IComboBox objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateComboBox in the appropriate control factory.
ComboBoxMapper Wraps/Decorates a IComboBox in order to display and capture a lookup property of the business object
ComboPair Holds a key-value pair that provides a single item for a ComboBox. The key is the string value shown and the value holds the underlying object, such as a BusinessObject or specific Guid
ConfirmingBusinessObjectDeletor This is an IBusinessObjectDeletor that uses the specified IConfirmer to prompt the user for confirmation of the deletion. If the user confirms, the BusinessObject will be deleted. If the user does not confirm then the BusinessObject will not be deleted.
ControlFactoryManager This manager groups common logic for IControlFactory objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call the appropriate IControlFactory implementation.
ControlMapper A superclass to model a mapper that wraps a control in order to display and capture information for an individual property of a Business Object. Think of the Control Mappers as Binding on Steriods.
ControlNamingStrategy This is the Naming strategy for naming controls generated by Faces for the various parts of the auto-generated user interfaces.
CurrencyDisplaySettings Stores date display settings that define how dates should be displayed to users in various user interfaces
CustomValidationEventArgs Provides arguments for a validation event
DataGridViewManager This manager groups common logic for IDataGridView objects. Do not use this object in working code. Instead use one of the implementations of IDataGridView
DataViewCompositeFilterClause Manages a composite filter clause, which is composed of individual filter clauses that filter which data to display in a DataView, according to some criteria
DataViewDateFilterClause Manages a filter clause that filters which data to display in a DataView, according to some criteria set on a DateTime column
DataViewEnumFilterClause Manages a filter clause that filters which data to display in a DataView, according to some criteria set on an integer column
DataViewFilterClause A super-class for filter clauses that filter which data to display in a DataView, according to some criteria
DataViewFilterClauseFactory Creates filter clauses that determine which rows of data are displayed
DataViewIntegerFilterClause Manages a filter clause that filters which data to display in a DataView, according to some criteria set on an integer column
DataViewNullFilterClause Manages a null filter clause, which carries out no filtering of data
DataViewStringFilterClause Manages a filter clause that filters which data to display in a DataView, according to some criteria set on a string column
DateDisplaySettings Stores date display settings that define how dates should be displayed to users in various user interfaces
DateRangeComboBoxFilter A Filter controller for a IDateRangeComboBox that allows you to select a range of dates e.g. Yesterday, Last week etc
DateRangeComboBoxManager This manager groups common logic for IDateRangeComboBox objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateDateRangeComboBox in the appropriate control factory.
DateTimePickerController A controller class that wraps a DateTimePicker control and provides the additional capabilities for it to have a null value.
DateTimePickerFilter A Custom Filter Control for DateTimePickerFilter.
DateTimePickerManager This manager groups common logic for IDateTimePicker control. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateDateTimePicker in the appropriate control factory.
DateTimePickerMapper Wraps a DateTimePicker in order to display and capture a DateTime property of the business object
DateTimePickerUtil Gets and sets date-time values in any given date-time picker
DefaultBOCreator Creates business objects. The default creator is used by facilities like ReadOnlyGridControl to create new business objects. Inherit from this class if you need to carry out additional steps at the time of creating a new business object.
DefaultBODeletor Provides a controller that deletes business objects. Where used, this can be replaced with a customised version that inherits from IBusinessObjectDeletor.
DefaultBOEditor Provides an editing facility for a business object. The default editor is used by controls like GridControl to edit business objects. Where used, this class can be replaced by a custom control that inherits form IBusinessObjectEditor.
EditableGridControlManager This manager groups common logic for IEditableGridControl objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateEditableGridControl in the appropriate control factory.
EditableGridControlMapper Maps a multiple relationship collection onto an IEditableGridControl This is used for editing a Many relationship e.g. If an Invoice has many items then this control mapper can be used to provide an editable grid of Invoice Items.
EnumComboBoxFilter A Filter controller for an enum type this allows you set set a comboBox filter for any enum data type.
EnumComboBoxMapper Wraps/Decorates a ComboBox in order to display and capture a property of a business object that is an enumeration. A blank item is inserted at the top of the list.
ExtendedComboBoxMapper The mapper for IExtendedComboBox.
ExtendedTextBoxMapper The mapper for IExtendedTextBox.
FileChooserManager This manager groups common logic for IFileChooser objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateFileChooser in the appropriate control factory.
FilterClauseOperatorGenerator Based on a given FilterClauseOperator this will generate the relevant string filter clause operator.
FilterControlBuilder Builds an IFilterControl up using a FilterDef.
FilterControlManager This manager groups common logic for IFilterControl objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateFilterControl in the appropriate control factory.
FilterUI A super-class for user interface elements that provide filter clauses
FlowLayoutManager Manages the layout of controls in a user interface by adding components in the manner of a horizontal text line that wraps to the next line.
FormController Provides a controller for forms that keeps a reference to all open forms so that a user can switch between them. The specific advantage of using a controller is that the state of the window can be maintained and the form regeneration time is saved. This controller can be used to populate a "Window" menu item with open forms.
GlobalUIRegistry Maintains an application-wide store of UI-related settings
GridBaseInitialiseException Thrown when a failure occurred during the initialisation of a grid
GridBaseInitialiser Initialises the structure of a IGridBase. If a ClassDef is provided, the grid is initialised using the UI definition provided for that class. If no ClassDef is provided, it is assumed that the grid will be set up in code by the developer. This only initialises the GridBase i.e. the Columns on the Grid and does not initialise things like the FilterControlControl.
GridBaseManager This manager groups common logic for IEditableGridControl objects. Do not use this object in working code.
GridBaseSetUpException Thrown when a failure occurs while setting up a grid
GridDeveloperException Thrown when a failure occurs on a grid, indicating that Habanero developers need to pay attention to aspects of the code
GridInitialiser Initialises the structure of a grid control (i.e. a Grid with a Filter Control). If a ClassDef is provided, the grid is initialised using the UI definition provided for that class. If no ClassDef is provided, it is assumed that the grid will be set up in code by the developer.
GridLayoutManager Manages the layout of controls in a user interface by assigning them to positions in a grid with rows and columns
GridLayoutManager.ControlInfo Manages specific grid information for a control
GroupBoxGroupControlManager The Manager for the IGroupBoxGroupControl that handles the Common Logic for either VWG or Win.
HabaneroAppUI Provides a template for a standard Habanero application, including standard fields and initialisations. Specific details covered are:
  • The class definitions that define how the data is represented and limited
  • The database configuration, connection and settings
  • A logger to record debugging and error messages
  • An exception notifier to communicate exceptions to the user
  • Automatic version upgrades when an application is out-of-date
  • A synchronisation controller
  • A control factory to create controls
  • A data accessor that specifies what type of data source is used (DB by default)
To set up and launch an application:
  1. Instantiate the application with the constructor
  2. Specify any individual settings as required
  3. Call the Startup() method to launch the application
HabaneroMenu A class for managing a menu including its list of sub menus (other Habanero Menus). This class is used by a menu builder to build a specific Menu e.g. A main menu e.g. MainMenuWin or an outlook style menu e.g. CollapsibleMenuWin.
With this class you can either AddSubMenu or AddMenuItem. Where adding a sub menu will create another HabaneroMenu and adding a MenuItem will add a leaf item to the menu. Selecting a SubMenu will cause the sub Menu to expand. Selecting the MenuItem(Item) will cause the relevant controller to be executed the order in which this occurs is as follows.
  • Any CustomMenuHandler (set via the Item.CustomHandler will take precidence) i.e. you can make the menu item do anything you want via a custom handler.
  • The FormControl Creator takes precedence next this is typically used by the Form Controller to manage the form (usually in an MDI type environment)
  • The ControlManagerCreator takes Precedence next this is typeically used in an SDI type interface where the menu item swaps out the control. (e.g. in a outlook style menu)
  • HabaneroMenu.Item A particular menu item that will be built into a Leaf Node of the Relevant Menu. The MenuBulder will build a menu item represented by this Item. This Item can be set up with either a CustomHandler
    or a ControlManagerCreator or a FormControlCreator. These are used by the relevant MenuItemControl to respond the its click event.
    HabaneroMenu.MenuControlManagerDefault A Default Control Manager used for a Menu. This provides a shortcut to using the ControlManagerCreator delegate when all you want to do is return the exact same control each time the menu is clicked
    HelpAboutBoxManager This manager groups common logic for IHelpAboutBox objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateHelpAboutBox in the appropriate control factory.
    InputFormComboBox Provides a form containing a ComboBox in order to get a single input value back from a user
    InputFormDate Provides a form containing a DateTimePicker in order to get a single DateTime value back from a user
    InputFormTextBox Provides a form containing a TextBox in order to get a single string value back from a user
    KeyPressEventArgs Provides data for the .KeyPress event.
    LayoutManager A super-class for layout managers that dictate how and where controls are placed in user interface
    LayoutManagerException Thrown when an error occurs due to laying out or refreshing controls
    ListComboBoxMapper Wraps a ComboBox in order to display and capture a property of the business object. The List of items to be selected is a '|' seperated list.
    LookupComboBoxMapper Wraps/Decorates a ComboBox in order to display and capture a lookup property of the business object
    MenuItemCreator An abstract class that provides the functionality to Add HabaneroMenu.
    MessageBoxConfirmer An IConfirmer that uses a MessageBox to get confirmation from the user.
    MultiplePropStringTextBoxFilter A filter that comprises a TextBox and filters on a string type.
    NumericUpDownCurrencyMapper Wraps a NumericUpDown control in order to display and capture a currency property of the business object, where values are rounded to two decimal places
    NumericUpDownIntegerMapper Wraps a NumericUpDown control in order to display and capture an integer property of the business object
    NumericUpDownMapper Wraps a NumericUpDown control in order to display and capture a numeric property of the business object
    PanelBuilder Builds an IPanelInfo that has the information required to link the IPanel built by the Panel Builder to the IBusinessObject with a certain layout (as defined by the LayoutManager (Currently Only the GridLayoutManager can be used).
    The IPanel Built by the PanelBuilder has all the controls required for a IBusinessObject to be viewed and edited in. The Controls to be used are defind in the UIFormTab or the UIForm depending on whether the BuildPanelForForm(IUIForm) or BuildPanelForTab method is used.

    The PanelBuilder can create a panel for any environment based on the implementation of IControlFactory that is passed through in the constructor.

    Once the panel has been constructed, you will need to assign the instance of the business object. See IPanelInfo for these options. Once editing is completed, you will need to persist the changes. First call ApplyChangesToBusinessObject on the IPanelInfo object, and then carry out persistence on the BusinessObject.
    ReadOnlyGridButtonsControlManager This manager groups common logic for IReadOnlyGridButtonsControl objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateReadOnlyGridButtonsControl in the appropriate control factory.
    ReadOnlyGridControlManager This manager groups common logic for IEditableGridControl objects. Do not use this object in working code - rather call CreateEditableGridControl in the appropriate control factory.
    ReadOnlyGridMapper Maps a multiple relationship collection onto an IEditableGridControl This is used for editing a Many relationship e.g. If an Invoice has many items then this control mapper can be used to provide an editable grid of Invoice Items.
    RelationshipComboBoxMapper An interface for a mapper that
    Wraps/Decorates a ComboBox in order to display a collection of business objects in a combobox so that the user can select a business object for the purposes of setting a related Business Object. This control mapper maps the Selected business object to a single relationship etc but does not automatically load the List of Related Business Objects. AutoLoadingRelationshipComboBoxMapper
    StaticDataEditorManager Provides an editor for static data in an application. Static data serves a number purposes including providing source data for lookup lists used in drop-downs.
    The editor typically consists of a TreeView on the left and an EditableGrid on the right, where data for the selected type in the TreeView can be edited.
    StringComboBoxFilter For Filtering a combo box of String.
    StringStaticFilter This allows the developer to set a filter that is always applied and is not modifiable by or visible to the end user. For example this can be used to show only the Non Archived users.
    TabPageEventArgs Provides arguments to attach for an event involving business objects
    TextBoxMapper Wraps a TextBox control in order to display and capture a property of the business object. There are some limitations with using a TextBox for numbers. For greater control of user input with numbers, you should consider using a NumericUpDown control, failing this the appropriate ITextBoxMapperStrategy can be used.
    TreeViewCancelEventArgs Provides data for the TreeView.BeforeCheck, TreeView.BeforeCollapse, TreeView.BeforeExpand, and TreeView.BeforeSelect events of a TreeView control.
    TreeViewController A controller used to map an IBusinessObjectCollection onto an ITreeView. Each IBusinessObject is displayed as a node in the treeview, and the multiple relationships of the IBusinessObject are displayed as subnodes.
    TreeViewEventArgs Provides data for the TreeView.AfterCheck, TreeView.AfterCollapse, TreeView.AfterExpand, or TreeView.AfterSelect events of a TreeView control.
    UISettings Provides a store of application-wide user interface settings
    ValidationProvider Provides validation properties to controls that can be validated
    ValidationRule Provides a validation rule that checks if the value in a control is valid. ValidationRule is designed to be a simple as possible to reduce overhead in run-time. Because each validation rule can be attach to a control, there could be many instances of this class.
    ValidationUtil Provide comparison of string data. This class currently implements System.Web.UI.WebControls validation so that we don't have to write more code. Eventually, we may want to implement out own code.
    WizardControl Stores common constants used by wizard controls
    WizardController Controls the behaviour of a wizard, which guides users through a process one step at a time. Implementsts the IWizardController
    WizardStepException An exception used in Wizards denoting that some error has occurred in navigating between wizard steps.
    WizardStepNotInitialised Thrown when a wizard step is used but has not been initialised