C# Class Habanero.Faces.Base.CheckBoxMapper

Wraps a CheckBox in order to display and capture a boolean property of the business object
Inheritance: ControlMapper
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Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyChangesToBusinessObject ( ) : void

The event handler that is called to update the property on the Business Object when the user has checked or unchecked the CheckBox.

CheckBoxMapper ( ICheckBox cb, string propName, bool isReadOnly, IControlFactory factory ) : System

Constructor to create a new CheckBox mapper object

GetStrategy ( ) : ICheckBoxMapperStrategy

Gets the custom strategy that is applied to this mapper by the control factory, which determines how the Click event is handled. See ICheckBoxMapperStrategy.

Protected Methods

Method Description
InternalUpdateControlValueFromBo ( ) : void

Updates the appearance of the control when the value of the property has changed internally

Method Details

ApplyChangesToBusinessObject() public method

The event handler that is called to update the property on the Business Object when the user has checked or unchecked the CheckBox.
public ApplyChangesToBusinessObject ( ) : void
return void

CheckBoxMapper() public method

Constructor to create a new CheckBox mapper object
public CheckBoxMapper ( ICheckBox cb, string propName, bool isReadOnly, IControlFactory factory ) : System
cb ICheckBox The CheckBox object to be mapped
propName string A name for the property
isReadOnly bool Whether this control is read only
factory IControlFactory the control factory to be used when creating the controlMapperStrategy
return System

GetStrategy() public method

Gets the custom strategy that is applied to this mapper by the control factory, which determines how the Click event is handled. See ICheckBoxMapperStrategy.
public GetStrategy ( ) : ICheckBoxMapperStrategy
return ICheckBoxMapperStrategy

InternalUpdateControlValueFromBo() protected method

Updates the appearance of the control when the value of the property has changed internally
protected InternalUpdateControlValueFromBo ( ) : void
return void