C# (CSharp) Glare.Assets Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
ArchiveAsset An archive file, which should contain only a hierarchy of FolderAsset and DataAssets.
AssetFormat This describes a resource format.
AssetLoadError An error that has been recorded while loading an Asset. This is collected in AssetLoader's AssetLoader.Errors property.
AssetLoadError.InvalidData Invalid data were encountered.
AssetLoadError.UnexpectedEndOfFile The file was not as big as it needed to be.
AssetLoadError.UnexpectedPosition The file position was not where it should be.
AssetLoader A loader for an Asset.
AssetPlugin A plugin describing AssetFormats. Subclasses must have a single constructor (AssetManager). All AssetPlugins in an assembly will be constructed if they are non-abstract.
BinaryAsset A fallback for loading Assets that just contains binary data.
DataAsset An asset that can be loaded as binary data, which is then loaded as data.
FileManager A file context allows saving, opening, and creating files.
FolderAsset An asset that contains other assets.
IndexedTextureAsset A texture that is indexed by a palette.
LoverSection A marked section of a stream.
MarkingStream A wrapped stream that records what bytes are read, so it can report on what bytes are not read.
MarkingStream.UnreadBlock A block of unread data.
ModelAsset A model asset.
PaletteAsset A collection of color values.
PluginAsset An asset within a Plugin.
PluginFormatAsset A PluginAsset that provides AssetFormats.
SaveCheckResult Results from a save check operation.
SliceStream A System.IO.Stream wrapper that encapsulates part of the stream.
TextureAsset A simple Texture asset.