C# (CSharp) ColladaXna.Base.Materials Namespace


Name Description
EffectDescription Description of an effect
EffectMaterial Run-time equivalent of a material which was converted to an effect instance.
LightingModel Material property describing the lighting model to be used, such as Blinn or Phong.
LoadedTextureReference A reference to a loaded texture (during runtime), consisting of filename, texture channel and a texture object.
NormalMap A normal map according to the dot3 bump mapping technique
OpacityMap An opacity map is a texture that defines the transparency of the material at different locations.
ReferencedMaterial A material containing a reference to an effect (.fx) file
ShaderInstructions Instructions for incorporating a material into an effect shader.
ShaderProperty Defines complex material properties as a shader program and its parameter bindings. Available vertex data like position, normal, texture coordinates etc. are automatically passed to the shader via their respective semantics.