Name |
Description |
AR |
Performs the framework initialization. |
ActiveRecordAttribute |
ActiveRecordBase |
ActiveRecordBaseQuery |
Base class for all ActiveRecord queries. |
ActiveRecordException |
ActiveRecordHooksBase |
ActiveRecordInitializationException |
ActiveRecordMediator |
Allow programmers to use the ActiveRecord functionality without direct reference to ActiveRecordBase |
Any.MetaValueAttribute |
AnyAttribute |
BaseAttribute |
BelongsToAttribute |
CompositeKeyAttribute |
CompositeUserTypeAttribute |
DefaultMappingContributor |
DictionaryAdapter |
Maps keys to position in the values array. Basically key -> index |
DictionaryAdapter.Entry |
Simple link list entry |
EventListenerConfig |
EventListenerContributor |
FieldAttribute |
HasManyAttribute |
HasManyToAnyAttribute |
HookDispatcher |
Translates the IInterceptor messages to instance possible hooks |
HqlNamedQueryAttribute |
ImportAttribute |
InterceptorFactory |
Create an interceptor for the session. Allow to override the default for creating the intercetor |
JoinedKeyAttribute |
KeyPropertyAttribute |
Model |
Model.Collection |
NestedAttribute |
NestedParentReferenceAttribute |
NotFoundException |
OneToOneAttribute |
PropertyAccessHelper |
Utility class to help convert between PropertyAccess values and NHiberante's access strategies. |
PropertyAttribute |
RawXmlMappingAttribute |
RelationAttribute |
SessionFactoryHolder |
Default implementation of ISessionFactoryHolder |
SessionFactoryHolder.SfHolder |
SessionScope |
Implementation of ISessionScope to augment performance by caching the session, thus avoiding too much opens/flushes/closes. |
SessionScopeWebModule |
HttpModule to set up a session for the request lifetime. SessionScope |
TimestampAttribute |
TransactionScope |
Implementation of ISessionScope to provide transaction semantics |
VersionAttribute |
WithAccessAttribute |