C# (CSharp) Castle.ActiveRecord.Scopes Namespace


Name Description
AbstractThreadScopeInfo Base IThreadScopeInfo implementation. It's up to derived classes to provide a correct implementation of CurrentStack only
DifferentDatabaseScope Still very experimental and it's not bullet proof for all situations
HybridWebThreadScopeInfo This IThreadScopeInfo implementation will first try to get the current scope from the current request, and if not found, will use a thread lcoal scope.
StatelessSessionScope Implementation of ISessionScope with an IStatelessSession to improve performance by caching a session without a first-level-cache.
ThreadScopeInfo This IThreadScopeInfo implementation will first get the current scope from the current thread. Do NOT use on web scenario (web applications or web services).
TransactionScope Implementation of ISessionScope to provide transaction semantics
WebThreadScopeInfo This IThreadScopeInfo implementation will first get the current scope from the current request, thus implementing a Session Per Request pattern.