C# (CSharp) control 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Controller Controller class is an adaptor to use the kinect device gesture detection as keyboard and mouse.
Gesture Abstract class that every gesture should implement to evaluate some core function
GestureManager Manage a collection of gesture and perodically evaluate them.
HandPointer class to get the angle between the kinect space z axis and a specific hand.
HandStretchForward class to detect when a specific hand is stretched forward.
Kinect Class that deals with the kinect device and update the skeleton that is used in the gesture classes.
LeanLeft class to detect the lean right gesture
LeanRight class to detect the lean left gesture
RightLegBackward class to detect when the right leg is backward.
RightLegForward class to detect when the right leg is advanced forward.
shoulderDifference class to get the z difference between the 2 shoulders.
skeleton entity class that holds the skeleton Frame joints data from kinect sensor stream.
util Util class that provide some utility function that is used by Gesture classes.