C# (CSharp) VncSharpWpf 네임스페이스

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이름 설명
ConnectEventArgs Used in connection with the ConnectComplete event. Contains information about the remote desktop useful for setting-up the client's GUI.
EncodedRectangleFactory Factory class used to create derived EncodedRectangle objects at runtime based on data sent by VNC Server.
Framebuffer Properties of a VNC Framebuffer, and its Pixel Format.
PasswordDialogWpf PasswordDialogWpf.xaml の相互作用ロジック
RemoteDesktopWpf The RemoteDesktop control takes care of all the necessary RFB Protocol and GUI handling, including mouse and keyboard support, as well as requesting and processing screen updates from the remote VNC host. Most users will choose to use the RemoteDesktop control alone and not use any of the other protocol classes directly.
RfbProtocol Contains methods and properties to handle all aspects of the RFB Protocol versions 3.3 - 3.8.
RfbProtocol.BigEndianBinaryReader BigEndianBinaryReader is a wrapper class used to read .NET integral types from a Big-Endian stream. It inherits from BinaryReader and adds Big- to Little-Endian conversion.
RfbProtocol.BigEndianBinaryWriter BigEndianBinaryWriter is a wrapper class used to write .NET integral types in Big-Endian order to a stream. It inherits from BinaryWriter and adds Little- to Big-Endian conversion.
RfbProtocol.ZRLECompressedReader ZRLE compressed binary reader, used by ZrleRectangle.
VncDefaultInputPolicy A view-only version of IVncInputPolicy.
VncDesignModeDesktopPolicy A Design Mode version of VncDesktopTransformPolicy.
VncDesktopTransformPolicy Base class for desktop clipping/scaling policies. Used by RemoteDesktop.
VncViewInputPolicy A view-only version of IVncInputPolicy.
VncWpfDesktopPolicy A clipped version of VncDesktopTransformPolicy.