C# (CSharp) Spring.Retry.Retry.Support 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DefaultRetryState Default Retry State.
NeverRetryContext Special context object for NeverRetryPolicy. Implements a flag with a similar function to IRetryContext.ExhaustedOnly, but kept separate so that if subclasses of NeverRetryPolicy need to they can modify the behaviour of NeverRetryPolicy.CanRetry without affecting IRetryContext.ExhaustedOnly.
NeverRetryPolicy A IRetryPolicy that allows the first attempt but never permits a retry. Also be used as a base class for other policies, e.g. for test purposes as a stub.
RetrySimulation The results of a simulation.
RetrySynchronizationManager Global variable support for retry clients. Normally it is not necessary for clients to be aware of the surrounding environment because a IRetryCallback{T} can always use the context it is passed by the enclosing IRetryOperations{T}. But occasionally it might be helpful to have lower level access to the ongoing IRetryContext so we provide a global accessor here. The mutator methods ({@link #clear()} and
SleepSequence The sleep sequence.