C# 클래스 Spring.Retry.Retry.Support.NeverRetryPolicy

A IRetryPolicy that allows the first attempt but never permits a retry. Also be used as a base class for other policies, e.g. for test purposes as a stub.
상속: IRetryPolicy
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: spring-projects/spring-net-retry

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
CanRetry ( IRetryContext context ) : bool

Returns false after the first exception. So there is always one try, and then the retry is prevented. IRetryContext

Close ( IRetryContext context ) : void

Do nothing. IRetryContext

Open ( IRetryContext parent ) : IRetryContext

Return a context that can respond to early termination requests, but does nothing else. IRetryPolicy.Open

RegisterException ( IRetryContext context, Exception exception ) : void

Make the exception available for downstream use through the context. IRetryPolicy.RegisterException

메소드 상세

CanRetry() 공개 메소드

Returns false after the first exception. So there is always one try, and then the retry is prevented. IRetryContext
public CanRetry ( IRetryContext context ) : bool
context IRetryContext The context.
리턴 bool

Close() 공개 메소드

Do nothing. IRetryContext
public Close ( IRetryContext context ) : void
context IRetryContext The context.
리턴 void

Open() 공개 메소드

Return a context that can respond to early termination requests, but does nothing else. IRetryPolicy.Open
public Open ( IRetryContext parent ) : IRetryContext
parent IRetryContext The parent.
리턴 IRetryContext

RegisterException() 공개 메소드

Make the exception available for downstream use through the context. IRetryPolicy.RegisterException
public RegisterException ( IRetryContext context, Exception exception ) : void
context IRetryContext The context.
exception System.Exception The exception.
리턴 void