이름 | 설명 |
BorderFilter | Applies a border to an image. The original image is not resized; the border is added around the edge of the image. |
BrightnessAdjustmentFilter | Adjusts the brightness of the layer. |
ClippingMaskFilter | Clips (reveals) the content of the layer based on the non-transparent content of the specified image. |
ColorKeyFilter | Makes a specified color transparent in the output image. Can also use the top-left pixel in the source image as the transparent color. |
ColorTintFilter | Adjusts the colour tint of the layer. |
ContrastAdjustmentFilter | Adjusts the contrast of the layer. |
CropFilter | Crops an image. The rectangular section to crop is defined by X/Y coordinates and a size. |
CurvesAdjustmentFilter | |
EmbossFilter | Embosses an image. |
FeatherFilter | Adjusts the brightness of the layer. |
ImageMath | |
ImageReplacementFilter | Provides the abstract base class for a filter which replaces the entire image. Examples of this filter include SoundInTheory.DynamicImage.Filters.ResizeFilter and SoundInTheory.DynamicImage.Filters.RotationFilter. |
InversionFilter | Inverts the colours of the image. |
OpacityAdjustmentFilter | Adjusts the opacity of a layer. Opacity can be from 0, which is totally transparent, to 100, which is totally opaque. |
OuterGlowFilter | |
ResizeFilter | Changes the size of a Layer. This filter can be used in several ways depending on the effect you wish to achieve. There are five modes available for the ResizeFilter filter. |
RotationFilter | Rotates an image based on a specified angle. The image rotates around its centre point. |
RoundCornersFilter | |
SepiaFilter | Converts the image to grayscale (using the correct color ratios). |
ShaderEffectFilter | The base class for filters that apply an HLSL shader to the image. |
ShinyFloorFilter | Creates the effect of an image placed on a shiny floor. This filter adds a reflection of the image just below it. |
TransferFilter | |
TransformFilter | |
UnsharpMaskFilter | Sharpens an image by unsharp masking. |
VignetteFilter | Applies a vignette to the edges of the image. |