C# (CSharp) SoundInTheory.DynamicImage.Filters Namespace


Name Description
BorderFilter Applies a border to an image. The original image is not resized; the border is added around the edge of the image.
BrightnessAdjustmentFilter Adjusts the brightness of the layer.
ClippingMaskFilter Clips (reveals) the content of the layer based on the non-transparent content of the specified image.
ColorKeyFilter Makes a specified color transparent in the output image. Can also use the top-left pixel in the source image as the transparent color.
ColorTintFilter Adjusts the colour tint of the layer.
ContrastAdjustmentFilter Adjusts the contrast of the layer.
CropFilter Crops an image. The rectangular section to crop is defined by X/Y coordinates and a size.
EmbossFilter Embosses an image.
FeatherFilter Adjusts the brightness of the layer.
ImageReplacementFilter Provides the abstract base class for a filter which replaces the entire image. Examples of this filter include SoundInTheory.DynamicImage.Filters.ResizeFilter and SoundInTheory.DynamicImage.Filters.RotationFilter.
InversionFilter Inverts the colours of the image.
OpacityAdjustmentFilter Adjusts the opacity of a layer. Opacity can be from 0, which is totally transparent, to 100, which is totally opaque.

Changes the size of a Layer. This filter can be used in several ways depending on the effect you wish to achieve.

There are five modes available for the ResizeFilter filter.

RotationFilter Rotates an image based on a specified angle. The image rotates around its centre point.
SepiaFilter Converts the image to grayscale (using the correct color ratios).
ShaderEffectFilter The base class for filters that apply an HLSL shader to the image.
ShinyFloorFilter Creates the effect of an image placed on a shiny floor. This filter adds a reflection of the image just below it.
UnsharpMaskFilter Sharpens an image by unsharp masking.
VignetteFilter Applies a vignette to the edges of the image.