C# (CSharp) Rock.Model 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AttendanceCodeService Data Access/Service class for Rock.Model.AttendanceCode entity types
AttendanceService Data Access/Service class for Rock.Model.Attendance entity objects
AttributeQualifierService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.AttributeQualifier entity objects.
AttributeService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.Attribute entities.
AttributeValueService Data access/service for Rock.Model.AttributeValue entity objects.
AuthService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.Auth entity type objects.
BinaryFileService Data Access Service class for Rock.Model.BinaryFile objects.
BlockService The data access/service class for Rock.Model.Block entity type objects that extends the functionality of Rock.Data.Service
BlockTypeService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.BlockType objects.
CategoryNavigationItem Helper class used to return navigation tree of selected categories
CategoryService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.Category objects.
CommunicationRecipientService Communication Recipient POCO Service class
CommunicationService Communication POCO Service class
ContentChannelPath Represents a ContentChannelPath object in Rock.
ContentChannelService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.ContentChannel objects.
DataViewService DataView Service and Data access class
DefinedTypeService Service/Data Access class for Rock.Model.DefinedType entity objects.
DefinedValueService Service/Data Access class for Rock.Model.DefinedValue entity objects.
DeviceService Data access/service class for the Rock.Model.Device entity objects
DiscService DISC Class for administering and scoring a DISC Assessment
DiscService.AssessmentResults The AssessmentResults struct used to return the final assessment scores
DiscService.AttributeKeys The key names for the DISC person attributes.
DiscService.ResponseItem An individual response to a question.

Properties: QuestionNumber, ResponseNumber, ResponseID (QuestionNumber + ResponseNumber), ResponseText, MostScore, and LeastScore.

EntitySetItemService EntitySetItem POCO Service class
EntityTypeService EntityType POCO Service class
ExceptionLogService The data access/service class for Rock.Model.ExceptionLog entity type objects.
FieldTypeService Service/Data Access class for Rock.Model.FieldType entity objects.
FinancialBatchService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialBatch entity objects.
FinancialPersonBankAccountService Service and data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialPersonBankAccount objects.
FinancialPersonSavedAccountService Service and data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialPersonSavedAccount objects.
FinancialPledgeService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialPledge entity objects.
FinancialScheduledTransactionService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialScheduledTransaction entity objects.
FinancialTransactionDetailService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialTransactionDetail entity objects.
FinancialTransactionService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.FinancialTransaction entity objects.
FollowingService Following POCO Service class
GroupLocationService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.GroupLocation objects.
GroupMemberService The data access/service class for Rock.Model.GroupMember entity objects.
GroupMemberWorkflowTriggerService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.GroupType objects.
GroupService Data Access/service class for Rock.Model.Group entity type objects that extends the functionality of Rock.Data.Service
GroupTypePath Represents a GroupTypePath object in Rock.
GroupTypeRoleService The data access/service class for Rock.Model.GroupTypeRole entity object types.
GroupTypeService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.GroupType entity objects. This class extends Rock.Data.Service.
HistoryService The data access/service class for the Rock.Model.History entity. This inherits from the Service class
HtmlContentService Data access and service class for Rock.Model.HtmlContent entity objects.
LayoutService The data access/service class for the Rock.Model.Site entity. This inherits from the Service class
LocationService Data access and service class for Rock.Model.Location entities.
PageContextService Data access and service class for the Rock.Model.PageContext model object. This class inherits from the Service class.
PageRouteService The data access/service class for the Rock.Model.PageRoute class.
PageService Data access and service class for the Rock.Model.Page model object. This class inherits from the Service class.
PageViewService Data Access/service class for Rock.Model.PageView entities.
PersonAliasService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.PersonAlias entity type objects.
PersonViewedService Data Access/service class for Rock.Model.PersonViewed entities.
PersonalLinkSectionOrderConfiguration Personal Link Section Order Configuration class.
PrayerRequestService Data access/service class for Rock.Model.PrayerRequest entity objects.
RestControllerService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.RestControllerService entity objects.
ScheduleService The data access/service class for the Rock.Model.Schedule entity. This inherits from the Service class
ServiceJobService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.ServiceJob entity objects.
SignatureDocumentService Service/Data Access class for Rock.Model.SignatureDocument entity objects.
SignatureDocumentTemplateService Service/Data Access class for Rock.Model.SignatureDocumentTemplate entity objects.
SiteDomainService SiteDomain data access/service class.
SiteService The data access/service class for the Rock.Model.Site entity. This inherits from the Service class
TagService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.Tag entity objects.
TaggedItemService MetricValue POCO Service class
UserLoginService Data Access/Service class for Rock.Model.UserLogin entities.
WorkflowActionService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.WorkflowActionType entity objects
WorkflowService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.Workflow entity objects
WorkflowTriggerService Service/Data access class for Rock.Model.WorkflowTrigger entity objects.