C# 클래스 Rock.Model.SiteDomainService

SiteDomain data access/service class.
파일 보기 프로젝트 열기: NewSpring/Rock 1 사용 예제들

공개 메소드들

메소드 설명
GetByDomain ( string domain ) : SiteDomain

Returns a Rock.Model.SiteDomain by Domain.

GetByDomainContained ( string domain ) : SiteDomain

Returns the first matching of SiteDomains where the domain property contains the provided string.

GetBySiteId ( int siteId ) : IQueryable

Returns an enumerable collection of Rock.Model.SiteDomain">SiteDomains the Id of the

GetBySiteIdAndDomain ( int siteId, string domain ) : IQueryable

Returns an enumerable list of Rock.Model.SiteDomain entities by the Id of the Rock.Model.Site and domain name.

메소드 상세

GetByDomain() 공개 메소드

Returns a Rock.Model.SiteDomain by Domain.
public GetByDomain ( string domain ) : SiteDomain
domain string A containing a domain/URL to search by.
리턴 SiteDomain

GetByDomainContained() 공개 메소드

Returns the first matching of SiteDomains where the domain property contains the provided string.
public GetByDomainContained ( string domain ) : SiteDomain
domain string A containing a partial domain name to search by.
리턴 SiteDomain

GetBySiteId() 공개 메소드

Returns an enumerable collection of Rock.Model.SiteDomain">SiteDomains the Id of the
public GetBySiteId ( int siteId ) : IQueryable
siteId int An that contains the Id a to search by.
리턴 IQueryable

GetBySiteIdAndDomain() 공개 메소드

Returns an enumerable list of Rock.Model.SiteDomain entities by the Id of the Rock.Model.Site and domain name.
public GetBySiteIdAndDomain ( int siteId, string domain ) : IQueryable
siteId int An containing the Id of the to search by.
domain string A containing the domain to search by.
리턴 IQueryable