C# (CSharp) PdfRpt.Core.Helper 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
ApplyDataAnnotations Applies Annotations to a list of PdfColumnAttributes.
ColorExtensions Some helper methods for working with colors
DiagonalWatermarkManager A class to encapsulate the diagonal watermark related methods.
DumpNestedProperties A helper class for dumping nested property values
ElementsWidth This class tries to find some Pdf elements width, before rendering.
ExcelHelper ExcelHelper class.
ExporterManager IPdfReportDataExporter Manager Class
ExtractPdfFileAttachments Extracting all of the document level attachments and file attachment annotations of a given PDF file.
FastReflection Fast property access, using Reflection.Emit.
GetterInfo Getter method's info.
GradientBackground Draws a rectangular gradient background color.
HeaderFooterManager A class to encapsulate header and footer related methods.
HumanReadableInteger Convert a number into words
NumberWord Equivalent names of a group
PdfConformance Applies PDF/A Conformance.
PdfImageHelper iTextSharp.text.Image class utilities
PdfPageSizeToRectangle This class converts the most common paper sizes to their iTextSharp.text.Rectangle equivalents.
PersianDate Persian Date Converter
PersianNumber English numbers to Persian numbers converter and vice versa.
PropertyDataAnnotations Processing custom data annotations.
RunDirectionHelper Indicates whether the input text contains rtl data or not
SoftHttpContext This class has not a hard reference to the System.Web assembly. So it can be called from the `.NET client profile` library.
StreamHelper Embedded resources helper class.
TableCellDefinitionsExt PdfCellAttributes helper class.
TableHelper PdfGrid helper class
VectorImages Contains the definition of some useful vector images