Name |
Description |
ApplyDataAnnotations |
Applies Annotations to a list of PdfColumnAttributes. |
ColorExtensions |
Some helper methods for working with colors |
DiagonalWatermarkManager |
A class to encapsulate the diagonal watermark related methods. |
DumpNestedProperties |
A helper class for dumping nested property values |
ElementsWidth |
This class tries to find some Pdf elements width, before rendering. |
ExcelHelper |
ExcelHelper class. |
ExporterManager |
IPdfReportDataExporter Manager Class |
ExtractPdfFileAttachments |
Extracting all of the document level attachments and file attachment annotations of a given PDF file. |
FastReflection |
Fast property access, using Reflection.Emit. |
GetterInfo |
Getter method's info. |
GradientBackground |
Draws a rectangular gradient background color. |
HeaderFooterManager |
A class to encapsulate header and footer related methods. |
HumanReadableInteger |
Convert a number into words |
NumberWord |
Equivalent names of a group |
PdfConformance |
Applies PDF/A Conformance. |
PdfImageHelper |
iTextSharp.text.Image class utilities |
PdfPageSizeToRectangle |
This class converts the most common paper sizes to their iTextSharp.text.Rectangle equivalents. |
PersianDate |
Persian Date Converter |
PersianNumber |
English numbers to Persian numbers converter and vice versa. |
PropertyDataAnnotations |
Processing custom data annotations. |
RunDirectionHelper |
Indicates whether the input text contains rtl data or not |
SoftHttpContext |
This class has not a hard reference to the System.Web assembly. So it can be called from the `.NET client profile` library. |
StreamHelper |
Embedded resources helper class. |
TableCellDefinitionsExt |
PdfCellAttributes helper class. |
TableHelper |
PdfGrid helper class |
VectorImages |
Contains the definition of some useful vector images |