C# (CSharp) Nuaj.Cirrus.Utility 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
Camera The Camera class doesn't wrap any DirectX component per-se but helps a lot to handle basic displacement and projections NOTES : _ The projection float4x4 is Left Handed _ The Local2World float4x4 is left handed (all other matrices in Nuaj are right handed !) A typical camera float4x4 looks like this : Y (Up) ^ | Z (At) | / | / | / |/ o---------> X (Right)
CameraManipulator This is a little camera manipulator helper that you can bind to a control Use left button to rotate, middle to pan and right/wheel to zoom Use Shift to switch to "Unreal Editor first person mode"
TextureFilePOM This class supports loading and saving POM image files which are usually the direct result of a DirectX Map() call It has an homonym class in the GodComplex C++ project and as such should always mirror the C++ class if the format is to ever change...