이름 |
설명 |
TiledAnimatedTile |
TiledImageCollectionTileset |
TiledImageTile |
TiledLayer |
TiledMapMover |
WIP The TiledMapMover is a helper for moving objects around in a gravity-based Tiled map. It requires that the Entity it is on has a BoxCollider. The BoxCollider will be used in conjuntion with colliderHorizontal/VerticalInset for all collision detection. If you plan to use slopes/one way platforms with the TiledMapMover some extra properties need to be added to your tiles in Tiled. They are listed below: - nez:isOneWayPlatform (bool): one way platforms will ignore all collisions except from above - nez:isSlope (bool): signifies if the tile is a slope. Requires the next two properties if it is - nez:slopeTopLeft (int): distance in pixels from the tiles top to the slope on the left side. For example, a 45 top-left to bottom-right tile |\ would have a slopeTopLeft of 0 and slopeTopRight of 15 - nez:slopeTopRist (int): distance in pixels from the tiles top to the slope on the right side |
TiledMapMover.CollisionState |
class used to house all the collision information from a call to move |
TiledObject |
TiledObjectGroup |
TiledTile |
TiledTileAnimationFrame |
TiledTileExt |
TiledTileset |
TiledTilesetTile |
these exist only for tiles with properties or animations |