C# (CSharp) MonoDevelop.StyleCop 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ActiveDocumentAnalysisHandler Class which handles the analysis type ActiveDocument.
BaseAnalysisHandler This class will manage the basic StyleCop functionality.
FullNodeAnalysisCommandAttribute NodeCommandHandler attribute for full StyleCop analysis command handling.
GeneralOptionsPanel StyleCop general options panel.
NodeAnalysisCommandAttribute NodeCommandHandler attribute for StyleCop analysis command handling.
ProjectCache This class is used for project caching. Once a project got completely cached this should speed everything up a bit.
ProjectOperationsExtensions Extension and helper methods for the ProjectOperations class to run the StyleCop analysis.
ProjectUtilities Utility class for project related stuff.
RulesOptionsPanel StyleCop rules options panel.
RulesOptionsPanel.PropertyAddInPair A property addin pair.
RunStyleCopHandler Class used to handle Stylecop functions
RunStyleCopOnFileHandler Class used to handle a single file from Stylecop
SolutionAnalysisHandler Class which handles the analysis type Solution.
SolutionFullAnalysisHandler Class which handles the analysis type Solution in case of a full analysis.
StartupHandler This class get's initialized on MonoDevelop startup and setup all necessary stuff that has to be loaded only once.
StaticStringResources This class initializes all string resources which are used in multiple places.
StyleCopNodeCommandHandler This class extends NodeCommandHandler class and adds the StyleCop analysis functionality to each compatible node.
StyleCopSettingsCommandHandler Class which handles the StyleCop settings dialog.
StyleCopSettingsHandler This class handles the given StyleCop settings file.
StyleCopVersion Class which can be used to get the StyleCop version number
ValidPrefixesOptionsPanel StyleCop valid prefixes options panel.
XmlDocumentExtension Extension class to extend the XmlDocument class