C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
CodeCoverage The CodeCoverage class is used to collect code coverage information from assemblies that have been instrumented to call the Visit function at the beginning of every basic block.
CustomFrameworkUnitTest Base class for test cases that use special functionality of the Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing unit test framework. Tests that derive from CustomTest in most cases will not be source- or functionality- compatible with the more advanced desktop Visual Studio Test Team environment and harnesses.
PresentationTest Implementation of useful properties and features for presentation platform tests (Silverlight and WPF). Tests using this functionality will not be compatible with the full desktop framework's Visual Studio Team Test environment.
UnitTestSettings Settings for the unit test system.
UnitTestSystem A central entry point for unit test projects and applications.
WorkItem A test work item is a task that is invoked until it is complete. It maintains its own state to be able to notify the caller when it is finally complete, with no further work to be run. It is possible that some implementations of a TestWorkItem may actually contain a set of sub-tasks by implementing a composite pattern.
WorkItemExtensions A class contains extension methods and helpers for dealing with WorkItem instances and improving framework performance.
WorkItemTest Custom test class that provides the ability to perform semi-asynchronous test tasks on the main thread. Requires the custom unit test harness that manages and invokes test work items on the thread when needed. Tests using this functionality will not be compatible with the full desktop framework's Visual Studio Team Test environment.