C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Silverlight.Testing.Harness 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AssemblyManager Container and manager type which handles an entire test assembly; contains sub work items that represent all actions needed to execute its tests.
CallbackWorkItem A work item for tests to use which will call the delegate when the work item is executed.
CompositeWorkItem TestWorkItem which can contain sub-tasks; the underlying work item is not marked complete until the Children have completed or an Exception is thrown.
ConditionalWorkItem A test work item that is complete once the condition is asserted.
DebugOutputProvider The most verbose log provider, this calls .ToString() on each and every LogMessage that it processes. The output will appear in an attached debugger's "Output" window.
FastRunDispatcher A type which handles preparing the underlying dispatcher or timer from which the test work items execute.
GlobalExceptionHandler Provides a property that will attach and detach a known event handler delegate when the bit is flipped.
LazyAssemblyMethodInfo A lazy method type.
LazyMethodInfo A class that does a lazy lookup when needed using reflection.
LogMessageWriter A utility type that writes new log messages to the test harness log queue.
MethodContainer A method container.
MethodInvokeWorkItem A simple work item that invokes a method through the reflection MethodInfo instance.
ReflectionUtility A set of helper methods for interacting with methods and types that are marked with attributes.
RetryTestRunFilter A type filter for just a specific test. Allows the re-running of a single result again in the same process.
RunDispatcher Handle calling into the test framework as needed to perform the test run, process the internal test dispatcher queue, and keep execution moving forward.
ScenarioResult A result from a test scenario.
SleepWorkItem Test work item type that does not complete until the sleep time has elapsed. This is NOT a blocking Sleep.
TagManager A helper class that manages tags and associated metadata. Tag expressions are evaluated at the TestClass level.
TagManager.ExpressionEvaluator Evaluate tag expressions.
TagTestRunFilter A method and class filter that uses expressions and the TagAttribute.
TestAssemblyCompletedEventArgs Assembly complete event arguments.
TestAssemblyHelper Helper code for TestAssembly logic.
TestAssemblyStartingEventArgs Test assembly starting event arguments.
TestClassCompletedEventArgs The test class completed event arguments.
TestClassHelper Test class helper.
TestClassStartingEventArgs Information about the start of a test class event.
TestMethodCompletedEventArgs Test method completed event arguments, contains the result.
TestMethodHelper Helper code for TestMethod logic.
TestMethodManager Manager for planning, processing, and reporting the result of a single test method for a unit test provider.
TestPanelManager A manager for the underlying TestSurface Panel.
TestRunFilter A type to filter down complete sets of classes, tests and methods.
TestRunStartingEventArgs Test method completed event arguments, contains the result.
TextFailuresLogProvider A log provider that outputs failures as a string.
UnitTestCompositeWorkItem A container that stores instances of the unit test harness and provider.
UnitTestHarness A test harness for interacting with unit test providers such as Visual Studio Team Test's metadata.
UnitTestHarnessEventArgs Generic unit test harness event arguments base class that contains a reference to the harness.
UnitTestHarnessEvents A helper utility for firing events as the unit test harness from any component, internal or not. Enables expansion.
UnitTestLogMessageWriter The extended writer for the unit testing harness and consumers.
UnitTestLogicFactory A factory for creating the unit test objects.
UnitTestMessageConditional Helper conditional methods for unit test-specific log messages.
UnitTestMethodContainer A container which is able to attach to the underlying test dispatcher stack to enable advanced asynchronous functionality, when supported.
VisualStudioLogProvider A log provider that outputs in a simple custom test format that Visual Studio recognizes.
VisualStudioLogProvider.Writer A log provider that outputs in a simple custom test format that Visual Studio recognizes. This is a simple, subset writer.
WebBrowserTick A type which handles preparing the underlying dispatcher or timer from which the test work items execute.
WorkItemsManager A special type dedicated to keeping a running stack of the dispatch managers that are actually enabled for "work item" use. The current dispatcher is used by the test work item queue.