C# (CSharp) Mapsui.Providers.Wfs 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
WFSProvider WFS dataprovider This provider can be used to obtain data from an OGC Web Feature Service. It performs the following requests: 'GetCapabilities', 'DescribeFeatureType' and 'GetFeature'. This class is optimized for performing requests to GeoServer (http://geoserver.org). Supported geometries are: - PointPropertyType - LineStringPropertyType - PolygonPropertyType - CurvePropertyType - SurfacePropertyType - MultiPointPropertyType - MultiLineStringPropertyType - MultiPolygonPropertyType - MultiCurvePropertyType - MultiSurfacePropertyType
WFSProvider.WFSClientHttpConfigurator This class configures a HttpClientUtil class for requests to a Web Feature Service.