C# (CSharp) Mapsui.Providers.Wfs.Utilities 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AlternativePathNodesCollection This class represents a collection of path nodes that can be used alternatively.
FeatureIdFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC FeatureIdFilter Version 1.1.0.
GeometryFactory This class is the base class for geometry production. It provides some parsing routines for XML compliant to GML2/GML3.
HttpClientUtil This class provides an easy to use interface for HTTP-GET and HTTP-POST requests.
LineStringFactory This class produces instances of type Mapsui.Geometries.LineString. The base class is GeometryFactory.
MultiLineStringFactory This class produces objects of type Mapsui.Geometries.MultiLineString. The base class is GeometryFactory.
MultiPointFactory This class produces instances of type Mapsui.Geometries.MultiPoint. The base class is GeometryFactory.
MultiPolygonFactory This class produces instances of type Mapsui.Geometries.MultiPolygon. The base class is GeometryFactory.
OGCFilterCollection This class hosts a collection of instances implementing IFilter.
OgcFilterBase This class is the base class of all filters. It stores the filter arguments.
PathNode This class represents an element-node in an XML document
PointFactory This class produces instances of type Mapsui.Geometries.Point. The base class is GeometryFactory.
PolygonFactory This class produces instances of type Mapsui.Geometries.Polygon. The base class is GeometryFactory.
PropertyIsBetweenFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsBetweenFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsEqualToFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsEqualToFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsGreaterThanFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsGreaterThanFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualToFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsLessThanFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsLessThanFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualToFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsLikeFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsLikeFilter Version 1.1.0.
PropertyIsNotEqualToFilter_FE1_1_0 This class provides an interface for creating an OGC PropertyIsNotEqualToFilter Version 1.1.0.
UnspecifiedGeometryFactoryWfs100Gml2 This class must detect the geometry type of the queried layer. Therefore it works a bit slower than the other factories. Specify the geometry type manually, if it isn't specified in 'DescribeFeatureType'.
WFS_1_0_0_XPathTextResources This class provides text resources specific for WFS 1.0.0 XML schema (for precompiling).
WFS_1_1_0_XPathTextResources This class provides text resources specific for WFS 1.1.0.
WfsFeatureTypeInfo.BoundingBox The bounding box defines the spatial extent of a featuretype.
WfsFeatureTypeInfo.GeometryInfo The geometry info comprises the name of the geometry attribute (e.g. 'Shape" or 'geom') and the type of the featuretype's geometry.