C# (CSharp) Indiefreaks.Xna.Logic.Steering 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Alignment Steering behavior aligning the current AutonomousAgent with others.
Arrive Steering behavior that moves an AutonomousAgent towards a specific position decreasing its velocity as it gets closer to the destination.
AutonomousAgent The AutonomousAgent class owns and exposes a set of Steering Behaviors that can be configured by the underlying SceneObject or SceneEntity.
AutonomousAgentSeedInitializationBehavior Replicates the current AutonomousAgent Seed value to all
Behaviors Simple class storing all Steering Behaviors to ease their access in code
Cohesion Steering Behavior that computes a force that tends to regroup agents
ComputeSteeringForcesBehavior Behavior that computes AutonomousAgent steering behaviors force
Evade Steering Behavior that continuously flees on the opposite predicted direction of a given Agent
Flee Steering Behavior that creates a force to move away from a given position
Hide Steering Behavior that creates a force that will tend the agent to hide behind an obstacle
Interpose Steering Behavior that creates a force that will try to place the current agent in between two other agents
ObstacleAvoidance Steering Behavior that creates a force that tends to avoid provided agents
OffsetPursuit Steering Behavior creating a force that tends to place the agent in a slightly offseted postion of a given target agent
Pursuit Steering Behavior creating a force that tends to move the agent so it stays close to the target agent using a predicted velocity vector
Seek Steering behavior that tends to move the agent to the provided destination
Separation Steering behavior that tends to separate the current agent from the provided list of agents
SteeringBehavior The abstract class for all Steering Behaviors
SteeringLibrary This static class implements all the Steering Behaviors actual algorithms
Wander Steering behavior that randomly but naturally moves an agent in world space