C# (CSharp) HelixToolkit.Wpf 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AnaglyphEffect Provides an anaglyph blending effect.
ArrowVisual3D A visual element that shows an arrow.
Billboard Represents a billboard.
BillboardGeometryBuilder Builds a mesh geometry for a collection of billboards.
BillboardTextItem Represents a billboard text item.
BillboardTextVisual3D A visual element that contains a text billboard.
BillboardVisual3D A visual element that contains a billboard (a quadrilateral that always faces camera). The size of the billboard is defined in screen space.
BindableRotateManipulator Represents a visual element containing a manipulator that can rotate around an axis.
BindableTranslateManipulator Represents a visual element that contains a manipulator that can translate along an axis.
BoundingBoxVisual3D A visual element that shows a wireframe for the specified bounding box.
BoundingBoxWireFrameVisual3D A visual element that shows a wireframe for the specified bounding box.
BoundingSphere Represents a bounding sphere.
BoxVisual3D A visual element that renders a box.
BrushHelper Provides methods that creates brushes.
CameraController Provides a control that manipulates the camera by mouse and keyboard gestures.
CameraHelper Provides extension methods for Camera derived classes.
CameraSetting Represents a camera state.
CategorizedColorAxis Provides a color axis for categories.
ClonedVisual3D A visual element that clones all the children of another visual element.
CombinedManipulator Represents a visual element that shows translation and rotation manipulators.
CoordinateSystemVisual3D A visual element that shows a coordinate system with arrows in the X, Y and Z directions.
CubeVisual3D A visual element that displays a cube.
CuttingPlaneGroup A visual element that applies the intersection of all the specified cutting planes to all children.
EllipsoidVisual3D A visual element that shows an axis aligned ellipsoid.
Expander3D A visual element that translates all children relative to the specified origin.
Exploder3D A visual element that transforms all child elements as an explosion.
ExtrudedVisual3D A visual element that extrudes a section along a path.
FileModelVisual3D A visual element that shows a model loaded from a file.
GridLinesVisual3D A visual element that shows a set of grid lines.
HelixVisual3D A visual element that shows a helix.
Importers Contains a list of all supported importers.
InputBindingX Input binding supporting binding the Gezture.
LightSetup An abstract base class for light models.
LightVisual3D A visual element that shows a model for the specified light.
LinesVisual3D A visual element that contains a set of line segments. The thickness of the lines is defined in screen space.
Manipulator An abstract base class for manipulators.
MeshBuilder Builds MeshGeometry3D objects.
MeshElement3D Represents a base class for elements that contain one GeometryModel3D and front and back Materials.
MeshGeometryHelper Provides helper methods for mesh geometries.
MeshNormalsVisual3D A visual element that shows the normals of the specified mesh geometry.
MeshVisual3D A visual element that shows Mesh3D meshes.
MouseGestureHandler An abstract base class for the mouse gesture handlers.
ObjReader A Wavefront .obj file reader.
ObjReader.Group Represents a group in the obj file.
ObjReader.MaterialDefinition A material definition.
PanoramaCube3D A visual element that shows a panorama cube or a skybox.
ParametricSurface3D A base class for parametric surfaces evaluated on a rectangular mesh.
PieSliceVisual3D A visual element that shows a flat pie slice defined by center, normal, up vectors, inner and outer radius, start and end angles.
PipeVisual3D A visual element that shows a pipe between two points.
PointGeometryBuilder Builds a mesh geometry for a collection of points.
PointsVisual3D A visual element that contains a set of points. The size of the points is defined in screen space.
QuadVisual3D A visual element that displays a quadrilateral polygon.
RangeColorAxis Provides a color axis for a numeric value range.
Ray3D Represents a 3D ray.
RectangleVisual3D A visual element that shows a 3D rectangle defined by origin, normal, length and width.
RenderingModelVisual3D Provides an abstract base class for ModelVisual3D objects that listens to the CompositionTarget.Rendering event.
RotateHandler Handles rotation.
RotateManipulator Represents a visual element containing a manipulator that can rotate around an axis.
ScreenSpaceVisual3D An abstract base class for visuals that use screen space dimensions when rendering.
SpatialTextItem Represents a spatial text item.
SphereVisual3D A visual element that shows a sphere defined by center and radius.
StudioReader A 3D Studio file reader.
StudioReader.FaceMaterial The face material.
SunLight A visual element that contains a "sunlight" light model.
Teapot A visual element that shows the Utah teapot test model.
TerrainVisual3D A visual element that shows a terrain model.
TextGroupVisual3D A visual element that shows a collection of text items.
TextItem Provides a base class for text items.
TextVisual3D A visual element that shows text.
ThreePointLights A visual element that contains a three point light setup.
TranslateManipulator A visual element that contains a manipulator that can translate along an axis.
TruncatedConeVisual3D A visual element that shows a truncated cone defined by origin, height, normal, base- and top radius.
TubeVisual3D A visual element that shows a tube along a specified path.
ViewCubeVisual3D A visual element that shows a view cube.
ViewCubeVisual3D.ClickedEventArgs Class ClickedEventArgs
WiggleView3D A stereoscopic wiggle control.
ZoomRectangleHandler Handles rectangle zooming.