이름 |
설명 |
AutoCat |
Abstract base class for autocategorization schemes. Call PreProcess before any set of autocat operations. This is a preliminary form, and may change in future versions. Returning only true / false on a categorization attempt may prove too simplistic. |
AutoCatConfigPanel_Genre |
AutoCatConfigPanel_Name |
AutoCatConfigPanel_UserScore |
AutoCatName |
AutoCatUserScore |
Category |
Represents a single game category |
CategorySort |
DlgAutoCatCreate |
DlgGame |
DlgOptions |
DlgProfile |
DlgProfile.ThreadLocker |
DlgProfile.UpdateData |
DlgProfile.UpdateJob |
DlgProfile.UserRecord |
FormMain |
FormMain.CommaClusteringStrategy |
Clustering strategy for columns with comma-seperated strings. (Tags, Categories, Flags, Genres etc) |
FormMain.MyRenderer |
FormMain.ToolStripItemComparer |
GameBanners |
GameDBEntryDialog |
GameInfo |
Represents a single game and its categories. |
GameList |
Represents a complete collection of games and categories. |
GlobalStrings |
IgnoreListViewItemComparer |
ListViewComparer |
ParseException |
ProfileAccessException |
Settings |
UserScore_Rule |
VdfFileNode |
lstCategoriesComparer |