이름 |
설명 |
Amb1Dominance |
Amb1Focus |
Amb1Matrix |
Amb1Press |
Amb1Push |
Amb1RotAboutX |
Amb1RotAboutY |
Amb1RotAboutZ |
BandLimitedSawtoothGenerator |
BandLimitedSquareGenerator |
BandLimitedTriangleGenerator |
Blackman |
BlackmanHarris |
BufferReader |
ButteredStream |
Slightly seekable stream (circular buffer) |
CallbackSource |
Wraps a callback function to become a SoundObj Example: new CallbackSource( 1, 44100, delegate(int j) { ... return sample ... } ); |
ChannelInvertor |
ChannelSplicer |
ChannelSwapper |
CircularBuffer |
A circular buffer. NB: only have one consumer of the iterator at a time!! |
Complex |
Implementation of a double-precision (64-bit float) complex number |
ComplexBufferReader |
CosWindow |
DSPUtil |
Delayer |
Dirac |
FIR filter with a Dirac pulse at its center |
Dither |
Hamming |
Hann |
Harmonic |
HarmonicGenerator |
Hilbert |
FIR filter approximating a Hilbert transform; not windowed |
HilbertEnvelope |
Given a signal input Return the (positive only) magnitude Hilbert envelope |
IIR1 |
Base class for first-order IIR filters If input is null, produces the Dirac response. |
First-order high pass IIR |
First-order low pass IIR |
Invertor |
License |
LinearDbEnvelope |
LinearEnvelope |
LogBasisShelfEnvelope |
Loudness |
MathUtil |
Matrix |
Mixer |
MorseCode |
NoiseGenerator |
NormalWindow |
OverlappingWindows |
Padder |
PhaseMultiplier |
Given a signal X produce a filter returning (a + jb)X where 'a' is the in-phase multiplier, 'b' is the quadrature multiplier, and 'j' means a 90 degree phase shift |
Reverser |
SPDIFWrappedExternal |
SampleBuffer |
SawtoothGenerator |
Sequencer |
ShelfEnvelope |
Shuffler |
Channel-shuffle (LR to MS or vice versa) Requires two-channel input. |
SignalGenerator |
0dbfs signal generators |
Sinc |
SineGenerator |
SineQuadGenerator |
SingleChannel |
Skewer |
SlimPlayer |
SlimPlayer class provides methods to access a single player's functionality. |
SlowConvolver |
Smoothing |
SoundBuffer |
SquareGenerator |
TimeDomainConvolver |
Trace |
Logging of trace messages: Trace.Write(...) Trace messgaes go to one of the three possible outputs: - some TextWriter you preprared earlier, or - the console, or - a text file on disk. The location of the text file is set in the app's config, "trace" value. |
TriangleGenerator |
TwoChannel |
UHJCoeffs |
Value |
WaveChunk |
An undifferentiated Wave chunk |
WaveChunkFactory |
WaveFmtChunk |
WaveFormatEx |
WaveReader |
WaveWriter |
WindowedBuffer |